Edita Aradinović was attacked, after admitting she was Albanian and using “Serbian greetings”!



29.08.2020. 14:36

Edita Aradinović

Photo: Instagram

Popular singer Edita Aradinović These days, for his posts on Instagram, he is usually the target of criticism and condemnation from certain users of this social network, as well as the public.

It all started when he decided to end his free time answering questions from his fans, who asked him if it was true that he was of Albanian origin. After giving an affirmative answer, a huge dust was raised, and the chaos in the networks continued a few days later, when she published a photo of her holding up three fingers, one of the most recognizable symbols of Serbian (more details HERE).

Edita Aradinović

Photo: Instagram / printscreen

The individuals again planted trees and stones on Edita, who this time did not want to remain silent on the roll call, and addressed the haters with fierce words.

– I ask all people, if they can be called that, to be offended by the image in which I hold three fingers, to go to the bathroom, wash themselves, then have lemonade, possibly have breakfast, to get their heels back head. Three fingers are good for nothing, nobody, even if I’m not a racist, a nationalist, or anything like that! Get away from me more! It is proof of how primitive, idle and unhappy you are. And those people poison and seriously affect the world. Throw yourself into more serious problems, take care of yourself! I take care of music and spread love and positive energy. If you can’t stand it, and there are some, stop following and bye! Come on, you’re missing something and it’s bothering you non-stop – said the singer.


Photo: Instagram / printscreen
