Eavesdropping on Aleksandar Vučić and his family is practically a coup! I would never prematurely abolish


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said she did not know who was eavesdropping on President Aleksandar Vučić, but it was certainly someone who performed a high state function, because, as she emphasized, no one else has those capabilities.

Brnabic notes that the authorities are doing their job and that he hopes to receive the results of the investigation.

“Someone abused the capabilities of the state for the worst possible purpose, and that is, if you eavesdrop on the president of the state and members of his family, it is practically a coup,” Brnabic said.

She said she was “sure we will get an answer on who he is.”

“It is constantly recalled that Veljko Belivuk was helped by someone from the top of the state, but apart from a few police officers and a former police chief, no” big tricks “have been arrested, Brnabic told Blic, adding that it is unknown if this will end because “some great players have been arrested.”

As she specified, it refers to Diana Hrkalović, but that, as she said, “I would not prejudge anyone’s guilt, as I would never abolish anyone ahead of time.”


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