“EACH ONE OF US CAN BE A SOURCE OF INFECTION” WHO Director for “Blic” on the explosion of the corona virus in Serbia and an even STRONGER STRIKE awaiting us


According to the information we have, the main transmission is in our homes, in closed or crowded spaces, in meetings or workplaces and in closed public places. The curfew is the last resort, because looking after the economy is just as important as looking after your health.

Until an effective vaccine arrives and we achieve herd immunity, the only salvation lies in adhering to the measures, says Dr. Marijan Ivanuša, director of the World Health Organization office in Serbia, in an interview with “Blic”.

How do you assess the current epidemiological situation in Serbia?

– The current epidemiological situation in Serbia is very serious, we see that records are being recorded regarding the daily number of new infected. In the European region, an alarming increase in cases of infection and deaths continues, with the number of deaths in Europe being 40 percent higher compared to the previous week. The epidemiological picture is expected to deteriorate in the coming weeks, both in Europe and in Serbia. What we must bear in mind is that the situation with the virus can be reversed for the better with effective measures, but it can also be reversed very quickly. We can see that in the countries that had a favorable epidemiological situation before the end of the summer, they are now registering records in the number of new infections, and unfortunately the number of deaths is also increasing.

Who are the main carriers of the virus in Serbia? Young people in discos, parties … And what is your message for them?

– Each of us can be a source of infection for the people around us. According to the information we have, the main transmission occurs in our homes, in closed or crowded spaces, in meetings or workplaces and in closed public places. Young people go out more and socialize more, so the spread is linked to young people, although the virus can also spread among the elderly population. The message is the same for everyone, if we want to stop the spread of the virus, we must adhere to preventive measures, keep physical distance, wear masks, take care of respiratory hygiene and hand hygiene. We all have a role to play to stop the epidemic, we know that it is easier for some and more difficult for some, but if we do not do it, we will all bear the consequences, some sanitary, others economic … We know that we are all tired Because this situation is already happening. for a while and it is not known how long it will last.

What measures should we think more about, when will it be time for Serbia to introduce a curfew?

– We still have to limit the situations in which it is impossible to maintain physical distance. How to achieve this depends on the country. We must bear in mind that the protection of health is equal to the protection of the economy. If the situation worsens dramatically, crisis staff will probably also have to consider introducing curfews. On the other hand, when we talk about a total cessation of life in the country, we must avoid it for as long as possible and thus enable the economy and more or less normal daily life. These measures can have a profoundly negative impact on individuals, communities and societies due to social and economic life. These measures have a particularly negative effect on vulnerable groups, including the poor, who depend on daily life. We must make the most of the additional space for action by doing our best to use the capabilities to detect, isolate, test, isolate contacts.

How closed must we be to stop the spread of the virus?

– The best approach is to stay one step ahead of the virus with measures, because we keep it under control and ensure a more or less normal functioning of the economy. These measures often mean a restriction in people’s daily lives, leading to fatigue, especially as this epidemic lasts a long time and will apparently last longer. When additional measures are introduced, it takes time to pay off. This means that we must bear in mind that actions taken today will not pay off tomorrow, but only in a week, two, sometimes even longer.

Does that give us hope that we are doing well in the fight against the virus?

– When it comes to the number of people suffering from a more severe form of the disease, as well as the number of deaths, there are several reasons for this data; increased testing, including vulnerable groups (tests in the workplace, school environment, tourists, travelers), thus detecting both milder and asymptomatic cases. There are still more young people infected, but when we have a large number of young people who have the virus, it inevitably spreads to the elderly. Certainly, hospital capacities are better managed and clinical care is better, but unfortunately there is a great possibility that the number of deaths will increase in the next period, because it always takes a while for the clinical picture to get worse.

What are your forecasts, what awaits us by the end of the year?

– I would like to prepare for a more difficult scenario, but we hope for the best. If you look at the current epidemiological situation in Europe, you will understand why you are concerned. However, if we respect the measures, we can hope that the epidemic that is increasing in Serbia will be brought under control. In July and August, we also learned in Serbia that the epidemic could be brought under control at any time, through decisive measures including detection, isolation, testing and treatment; isolation of contacts with preventive measures related to maintaining physical distance, use of masks, respiratory hygiene and hand hygiene. We should also use the flu vaccine to reduce the effect of the flu in the corona epidemic.

Can we predict how long we will wear masks, keep our distance, when we can return to normal life?

– We must bear in mind that this is not a seasonal virus and that we had a serious deterioration in July and August when temperatures were high. So far, we have seen impairments and improvements change periodically and are likely to continue into the future, depending on measures and their compliance. Until we achieve herd immunity, I don’t think we can fully relax, and that, we hope, will happen when an effective and safe vaccine becomes available. Until then, we will have to depend on measurements, if we want to live more or less normally.

Serbia has been very prepared since the beginning of the epidemic.

How is our health system behaving? How do you evaluate the efforts of the state and the corresponding ministry, of course, and the doctors themselves in kovid hospitals? Did they gain experience to keep fighting?

– Since the beginning of the epidemic, Serbia has shown a great willingness to organize a two-track health system, to serve patients who have Covid 19, but to the greatest extent possible also those who need treatment for other reasons. Respirators were purchased, as well as other equipment necessary for their disposal. We see that new capacities and new hospitals are being built. Healthcare professionals show a high level of professionalism and commitment both now and in the previous period, to which great appreciation and respect must be shown. The care of patients treated with Covid 19 is very important, but we must bear in mind that there is still no cure for this disease and that at this time the most important thing is to implement public health measures because we can only stop the epidemic.

VIDEO: How the coronavirus spreads while people sing
