“Each family should now have its own crisis headquarters”


Belgrade – The Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, Darija Kisić, said she constantly wonders what measures the state will take.

Source: Tanjug



As one crisis staff member said, there is no success if not everyone takes on their role.

Kisic Tepavcevic said that we are witnessing the corona virus taking new victims minute by minute around the world and without choosing gender, age or occupation, and taking the best among ourselves.

“It is time for all of us to get serious and understand our role in the most responsible way possible. There are always doubts that the state will take action, but the essence is to understand that the whole world cannot succeed if not all assume their role. “Kisic Tepavcevic emphasized.

He stated that now each family must have its own crisis headquarters, which determines what is best for all its members, and each has its own controller.

“There are no new measures that can be taken, but they are fundamental. The only measures are the use of masks and physical distancing. All the other measures that countries take are only to increase the success of these measures,” explains Kisic.

He emphasizes that no single measure can solve the coronavirus problem, but that the Crisis Staff will discuss the measures that are constantly being talked about today.

“Is it a restriction to the work of the places where people usually meet, are they more rigorous controls, it always comes down to the same thing. If everyone around us adhered to the measure, we wouldn’t need more ”, he says. RTS Kisić.

Dr. Darija Kisić says that there have been strict controls in social protection institutions since the beginning of the epidemic, but that it happens that the virus is introduced.

“Since active surveillance is important, initial cases are recognized very quickly and responded to appropriately,” Kisic explains.

It states that at this time 431 infected users have been reported in social protection institutions, and that 294 employees test positive for coronavirus.

“These are mostly sporadic cases of the disease in which they were recognized early and reacted immediately”, emphasizes Dr. Kisić.

Remember that the admission of new users to nursing homes and other social security institutions has never stopped.

It is important that all new users have the appropriate medical documentation and proof that they are negative for the presence of coronavirus on the PC. It is recommended that the institutions where the infection is confirmed do not accept new users during the maximum incubation period since the last case, which is 14 days ”, he explains.

He says that a one-off 10,000 dinar aid for employees of social protection institutions is a symbolic movement of support to endure the struggle.

“All the employees of the social welfare institutions received help, not just doctors and nurses. They are a little less than six thousand employees. I know how difficult it is for them right now, but they are our barrier to spreading the infection in vulnerable populations. “says Dr. Darija Kisić.
