Each company, restaurant or cafeteria will have ONE PERSON responsible for respecting the epidemiological measures


Tonight, Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar explained that the Serbian Government will assess whether someone can enter Serbia on the basis of the epidemiological situation in the country where the person comes from.

“We do not intend to play any reciprocity or play politics. We will only see if the citizens of Serbia are in danger and what should be implemented as a result if someone wants to come to us, so as not to bring the infection,” Loncar said. in the Assembly of Serbia.

He added that the flow of goods will continue unimpeded, specifying that so far there have been no problems during transportation and that there are clear rules for those who transport those goods.

Loncar also mentioned that every company, restaurant or cafeteria must have a person responsible for respecting epidemiological measures.

“We do this out of necessity. We want to stop the expansion of the crown and enable it through law. We need to make citizens aware that they are irresponsible and that they take responsibility only when they know they can be sanctioned,” said the minister.

Loncar said that they had to introduce other services to help the sanitary inspection, which, he says, takes 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes to make the record, which can happen in court.

“We requested the help of a similar service to be more efficient,” Loncar said.
