Dušan Nikezić criticizes Zorana Mihajlović


The president of the Departmental Commission of Economy and Finance of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dusan Nikezic, affirmed that the Minister of Mines and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, has nothing to brag about when it comes to the construction of road infrastructure.

Nikezic affirmed that in the eight years that Mihajlovic was Minister of Transport, “266 kilometers of roads have been completed and the country is in debt for an additional 12 billion euros,” the SAA announced.

Nikezic added that jobs were divided among foreign companies, which “destroyed the Serbian construction operation.”

“If I were you, I would not brag about the results of ‘Serbian Roads (Corruption)’ and the construction of infrastructure. You have records in terms of construction costs, so the Kuzmin-Raca section, which you mention, costs 13 million euros per kilometer, while the Zagreb motorway “Split cost an average of six million euros per kilometer,” he said.

According to Nikezic, the deadlines are even worse, so that the works only on the viaduct and tunnel of the Belgrade-Novi Sad railway take 52 months, “which is longer than the construction works of the entire railway through Tibet, 1,142 kilometres”.

These days, he brags about the future reorganization of ‘Srbijagas’, and has allowed ‘Serbian Roads (Corruption)’, according to the conclusions of the State Audit Institution, to pay 500 million euros without public procurement and have a loss of 143 million euros in 2019 alone, “wrote Nikezic.

He affirmed that “the construction and maintenance of roads in Serbia serves exclusively for the enrichment of foreign companies and a handful of construction companies of the regime.”
