DURING THE CRISIS STAFF SESSIONS The decision on schools and kindergartens is falling, what new measures can we expect


Extremely unfavorable epidemiological situation, a large number of infected people and a growing number of deaths on a daily basis led the Crisis Personnel to decide to reconsider the measures with which the dangerous virus could be stopped. In the session that began around 1 pm, this time the focus will be on the schools, and it is increasingly certain that the students at the school desks will pass into classes in front of the televisions.

On the day that is left behind, the number of patients was record and amounted to 6,842, while 37 people lost their lives due to the consequences of the coronavirus. The previous day 38 people died, a figure higher than the beginning of the epidemic. Hospitals are full, almost 6,500 covid patients are hospitalized and, in addition to a large number of infected health workers, there are more and more schoolchildren and teachers among the patients.

Dr. Miomir Pelemis said yesterday that “we have no other”, and that if we do not respect the measures, there will be a new tightening.

An increasingly secure transition to online teaching

Therefore, after the session that began at 1:00 p.m., we should find out what will happen to the schools. Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Dr. Predrag Kon also spoke about that today.

– We are not talking about the completion of school work, but a short-term, week-long transition to online classes. This is all. As for the winter holidays, keep talking about it. Interference from flu and covid must be prevented, because the flu has not yet started, Dr. Kon said.

He also explained that online teaching will be introduced regardless of the results that the measures have given so far, because “you don’t have to wait and that is something that must be introduced simultaneously.”

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić also commented last night that this will be the number one topic at the crisis staff session.

He said that he would hear the opinion and recommendations of the professional part of the Crisis Staff in the morning session on how to teach in schools for the older classes and the work of kindergartens.

Who stays in the schools?

– One of your recommendations was to consider online teaching for the upper grades, that is, in primary schools from fifth to eighth grade and secondary schools – said Brnabić yesterday, answering a question from a journalist in Niš.

If that is confirmed today, the Prime Minister said, she will be able to switch to online classes as soon as possible, because, she adds, everything is technically ready for that.

– I still think that when it comes to younger students, it is safer for them in schools, but if the experts advise me otherwise, we have no problem adopting their advice – said Brnabić.

Ana Brnabić Niš

Photo: Dimitrije Nikolić / Tanjug

Ana Brnabić Niš

The same, he says, applies to kindergartens, adding that if the advice from the professional side of the Crisis Staff is to dissolve kindergartens, it will be done.

He recalled that there were problems in March, April and May, because a large number of people demanded the closure of schools and kindergartens, and then most criticized their closure and asked who would now take care of the children.

– In fact, under public pressure, I can’t make decisions like that. Really professional people have to tell me that this is the right way, that it is safer than babysitting at home. That is my dilemma, but if the professional services advise me, we have no problem doing it – said Brnabić.

The decision to reconsider the measures, this time for schoolchildren, comes just one day after the new measures come into force.

The working hours of cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, betting houses have been reduced to 18.00 as of Tuesday, the number of passengers in public transport is limited, all those who can be sent to work are from home …

We remind you that “Blic” was the first to write about seriously considering the transition of older students to online classes.

Some local autonomous governments have already used insufficiently clear legal regulations and, after declaring a state of emergency, decided to close schools until further notice and send students to online classes. Such was the case with Vrbas, Paracin, Temerin, Bujanovac, but also with some educational institutions in Nis.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, for the moment, cleverly avoids making a decision at the level of the entire country, defending itself with statistical data that shows that there is no greater contagion of students and teachers in schools, but it still seems a matter of days. to classes from home.

The current system, which leaves the decision to local governments, is possible in smaller communities, but difficult to implement in large ones, such as Belgrade, which has 17 urban and suburban municipalities, and where the decision must be made globally, for almost 300 educational institutions.

What is the plan for kindergartens?

The parents of the youngest, those who attend preschool institutions, have no fewer worries. Namely, some cities, in order to relieve kindergartens in which there are a considerable number of mainly infected educators, have decided that only children whose parents are obliged to be in their jobs can take care of them.

Photo: Beoinfo / Belgrade City

With large numbers of employees moving to work from home on Tuesday, a growing number of municipalities and cities will insist on mandatory confirmation from their parents. Otherwise they will not accept children.
