Đurić filed a lawsuit against Zemun Hospital, calling for a television duel


Petar Đurić, whose father recently passed away on kovida 19, said he filed a lawsuit against Zemun Hospital, because he claimed his father lost his life due to a system error. Đurić asked the president of Serbia or the prime minister to come out to a television duel with him and discuss with him, to see where the truth about that case lies.

Petar Đurić was introduced to the public during the protest in front of the Serbian Parliament when he told the N1 reporter that he was protesting for his father, who recently passed away at Zemun Hospital because “there was no respirator”. The authorities and the media close to them tried to show that Peter is not telling the truth.

“I ask the president, the prime minister, the minister of Health, all those who commented on the case, that they and I, all of us, go out to a television duel and have discussions to see who is lying,” he said.

Đurić, who claims that the highest state officials misled the public and presented data contrary to the official medical documentation of the Zemun hospital, in which it is written that there was no free respirator and that the place is waiting, said officials discredit him him and his family.

“They said that I was criminally convicted, I got the conviction that I was not convicted and that I was not under investigation. These are the methods that state officials use, but we just have to get rid of fear. All those who have been harmed, unjustified humiliated, they must seek their justice. I encourage them to do that, “Đurić said.

He added that he owes it to his father and that he must bring the truth to light.

“The thing is clear, they did not have a respirator, he should have been transferred to another hospital, but there was no cooperation in the system. He was allowed to fight alone. It is something where the system did not exist at all. It may have happened to several others. “. We are suing the Zemun Hospital, which did not react, “Đurić said.

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