Đuka: Vuline, the MUP people were listening to Vučić, arrest them!



04.01.2021. 07:00

“I have horrible information that the president was eavesdropped on by people from our security structures, specifically, these are certain people from the police. Their names must be discovered as soon as possible and they must also be arrested and sentenced immediately,” Vladimir Djukanovic said.

Vladimir Đukanović

Vladimir Đukanović, Photo: Pink TV / Printscreen

Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who recently took over this department, said yesterday that the Interior Ministry will find out who and why was eavesdropping on Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, whom the president himself spoke about in public a few days ago. In a statement to our newspaper, SNS deputy Vladimir Đukanović expressed his belief that, until recently, the president was eavesdropped on by the police themselves, and that Vulin should urgently conduct an investigation into his ministry and arrest all that they ordered and spied on the president. He literally carried out a coup.

After Vučić’s statement that someone had been listening to his conversations for a year and a half, Vulin said the president made it public because he came up with some reliable information.
– The competent services are dealing with the case, we will get to the truth and the judicial authorities will do their part. It’s up to us to make sure that doesn’t happen again. It is too early to talk about what the target of the president’s wiretaps was, but there was certainly no talk of good intentions, Vulin told “Prva” TV.

– I have horrible information that the president was eavesdropped on by people from our security structures, specifically, these are certain people from the police. Their names must be found out as soon as possible, and they must also be arrested and convicted immediately. It is important to determine who your customer was and what their end goal was. What was done was incredibly dangerous, the information was leaked and misused. There are many who are still in position and are still extremely dangerous. This is really a coup and I ask the Ministry of the Interior and the Prosecutor’s Office to react urgently – said Djukanovic, noting that we reached this situation because the Parliamentary Commission for the Control of Security Services, which supervises both BIA and VBA , has no authority to monitor the police. he concludes, completely out of control.

Let us remind you, Vučić, speaking about wiretapping, said that there were strange things that should not happen.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

– As it is about immoral things, it is also about illegal things. I have evidence that I was intervened. I have my own recorded conversations because some thought they could delete them, hide them. But don’t forget that when you have this kind of support from people, there are a lot of people who want to do their job honestly and professionally and who will not agree with such things. So I think that the competent authorities will investigate that and that if there was an unequivocal violation of the law, those who violated the law will be held accountable for it, Vučić said, adding that he knows who is behind the matter and how long it has been going on.

– I do not know directly the names of the people who listened to me. But yeah, I think I know who’s behind it. I’m not one of those people who will be passionate about revenge, I understand what it looks like and everything is clear to me. That is nothing special for me – concluded Vučić.

The president’s family was also eavesdropped.

According to information from Djukanovic, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received wiretaps along with his closest associates and even members of his family.


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