Due to the works in the city center, a large number of GSP lines were changed


During the works in the area of ​​the intersection of Braće Jugović and Bulevar despota Stefana, there will be changes in the work of the public transport lines from tonight at 10 p.m. until October 26 until 4 a.m.

– During the works, the closure of the crossing is planned, so changes will be made in the work of public transport lines 16, 27E, 35 and 95 – as indicated by the announcement of the Ministry of Public Transport.

Heading to New Belgrade, buses will travel along Despot Stefan Boulevard, George Washington Boulevard, Takovski Boulevard, King Alexander Boulevard, Nikola Pasic Square, Decani, Terazije Tunnel, and more along the regular route. In the direction of the Pancevo Bridge, the vehicles will move along the route: Terazije Tunnel – Decanska – Nikola Pasic Square – King Alexander Boulevard – Takovska – George Washington – Despot Stefan Boulevard and regularly;

On line 27, vehicles will travel from Studentski trg to Mirijevo 3 in the direction of the Mirijevo route: Studentski trg – Vase Čarapića – Kolarčeva – Terazije – Trg Nikola Pašića and regularly, and in the direction of Studentski trg: Terazije – Kolarčeva – Trg republike – Vase Čarapića – Studentski trg.

On line 43, vehicles will travel from Studentski trg to Kotež, in the direction of Kotež along the route: Studentski trg – Vase Čarapića – Trg republike – Makedonska – Svetogorska – Takovska – Đorđe Washington – Boulevard Stefana still regularly despises, and in the direction of Studentski trg along the route: Despot Stefan Boulevard – George Washington – Takovska – Svetogorska – Makedonska – Trg republike – Vase Carapića – Studentski trg.

Vehicles on line 58 in the direction of Novi Železnik will travel on the route: Despot Stefan Boulevard – George Washington – Takovska – Kneza Miloša and more regularly, and in the direction of the Pancevo Bridge along the route: Kneza Miloša – Takovska – George Washington – Despot Stefan Boulevard and further on the regular route.

On night lines 15N, 704N and 706N, vehicles will circulate in the direction of New Belgrade along the route: Trg republike (stops for day lines 28 and 41) – Makedonska Tunnel – Dečanska – Terazijski and will continue regularly while heading towards the city ​​will follow the route: Brankova – Prizrenska – Terazije – Kolarčeva – Makedonska – Trg republike (stops for daily lines 28 and 41).

On lines 27N and 32N, vehicles travel from Studentski trg in the direction of Mirijevo and Višnjica along the route: Studentski trg – Vase Čarapića – Trg republike (stops for daily lines 28 and 41) – Makedonska – Svetogorska – Takovska – on March 27 and regularly, while heading towards the city along the route: Makedonska – Trg republike (stops of daily lines 24, 37 and 44) ​​- Vase Čarapića – Studentski trg.

Vehicles on lines 56N and 511N leave Studentski trg in the direction of the Belgrade Fair on the route: Studentski trg – Vase Čarapića – Makedonska – Dečanska – Trg Nikola Pašića and still regularly, while heading to the city on the route : Dečanska – Makedonska – Trg republike – Vase Čać – Student Square.

On line 101N, vehicles also travel from Studentski trg in the direction of Padinska Skela along the route: Studentski trg – Vase Čarapića – Trg republike (stops for daily lines 28 and 41) – Makedonska – Svetogorska – Takovska – George Washington – Despot Stefan Boulevard and further on the regular route. In the direction of the city, the vehicles circulate on the route: Despot Stefan Boulevard – George Washington – Takovska – Svetogorska – Makedonska – Republic Square (stops of the daily lines 24, 37 and 44) ​​- Vase Carapića – Studentski trg.

Vehicles on line 202N travel from Studentski trg in the direction of Veliko Selo along the route: Studentski trg – Vase Čarapića – Trg republike (stops for daily lines 28 and 41) – Makedonska – Dečanska – Trg Nikola Pašića and more ahead on the regular route. In the direction of the city, follow the route: Dečanska – Nikola Pašić Square – Terazije – Kolarčeva – Republic Square – Čarapića Vase – Student Square.

On line E2, vehicles will circulate on the route Studentski trg – Petlovo brdo, in the direction of Petlovo brdo on the route: Studentski trg – Vase Čarapića – Kolarčeva – Terazije and regularly, and in the direction of Studentski trg on the route: Terazije – Kolarčeva – Trg republike – Vase Čarapića – Studentski trg.

On line E6 in the direction of New Belgrade, vehicles will follow the route: Despot Stefan Boulevard – George Washington – Takovska – King Alexander Boulevard – Nikola Pasic Square – Decanska – Terazije Tunnel and still regularly, and in the direction of the Pancevo Bridge along the route: Terazije Tunnel – Nusiceva – Svetogorska – Takovska – George Washington – Despot Stefan Boulevard remains regular.

(Kurir.rs/Beoinfo/Photo: Tamara Trajkovic)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
