Due to the shameful decision, Serbia was left without “half of the team” in the final of the bombing



08.11.2020. 19:32 – 08.11.2020. 19:38

Coach Ljubisa Tumbakovic in disbelief.

Ljubisa Tumbakovic

Ljubisa Tumbakovic, Photo: Hola / Marko Metlas

The shocking news from Italy shook the entire football of Serbia! The Eagles will go out this Thursday to the Scottish square, decimated by the sanction that was introduced for some of the players in Serie A.

Who will go to the EURO?

Local authorities in Italy have taken a decision that prohibits players from Fiorentina, Genoa, Inter, Lazio, Roma and Sassuolo from joining the national teams in the next national team cycle, Italian journalist Palmeri Tancredi exclusively reports.

The shocking decision of the Apennine Peninsula will affect the Serbian team, which will host Scotland in the final phase of the barrage of the European Championship, scheduled for Thursday at 8:45 pm at the “Rajko Mitic” stadium. Filip Đuričić, previously positive, will not be able to respond to coach Ljubiša Tumbaković’s invitation, but neither will Aleksandar Kolarov, Sergej Milinković-Savić, Nikola Milenković and Dušan Vlahović. The only two players from Italy who will not be able to play for the Eagles Lukić against the Scots and Darko Lazović.

It is clear that such a decimated Serbia will have a hard time beating Scotland on Thursday night.

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