Due to the contamination, Ziđin started the smelter review earlier at RTB.


ANTIĆ MINISTER: Due to contamination, Ziđin started the smelter review earlier at RTB

Photo: Tanjug Dimitrije Goll

Mines and Energy Minister Aleksandar Antić stated today that Ziđin started the smelter review at RTB earlier than planned due to the high polluted air in Bor, and expressed the expectation that the review would last several weeks.

“Yesterday, the Zidjin Bor company started the review of the smelter at RTB, which will succeed in solving all the key problems that caused the increase in air pollution in Bor in the previous days,” Antic said.

He says that in recent days, in the peaks, the contamination was above the allowed level, especially when it comes to sulfur dioxide.

photo: Tanjug Dimitrije Goll

The Minister points out that the start of the smelter review was scheduled for November, but that they made the decision to carry out the review immediately. He stressed that Zidjin reacted quickly and began the review. Antic adds that as part of the review, equipment failures that caused the release of gases will be detected.

The minister says that the company also plans to complete the technical reconstruction and partial construction of the smelter by the end of December 2022, prioritizing the completion of the flue gas collection system and the desulfurization system by the end of December 2021. .

Zidjin, Antic adds, made the decision to immediately start the repair and repair activities of the equipment, which will solve the problem in a short period of time and lead to the release of gases and air quality being at the legally permitted level. .

Antic says that Zidjin showed a high degree of responsibility towards the realization of environmental projects and that they invested around 38 million dollars in them, as well as that the company plans to invest another 120 million dollars.

photo: Tanjug Dimitrije Goll

“It is crucial to resolve the issue of air quality,” emphasized the minister and recalled that Zidjin, according to the action plan, will invest 265 million dollars in the modernization and reconstruction of the smelter by the end of 2022, after which we will have a practically new foundry. in the most modern way.

Antic says that last night, in the process of stopping the smelter work and beginning the overhaul, there was a small fire, a 50-meter-long polyester pipe set on fire, and that the quick reaction of Zidjin and the firefighters made it they located and quickly extinguished.

He adds that in the next few days it will be known exactly how long the review will take, but that it is certainly a matter of a few weeks.

“According to the plans that were planned for the revision in November, that revision was supposed to last several weeks. If the elimination of the breakdowns that led to poor air quality in Bor in recent days will extend the duration of the revision We’ll find out next week. “

photo: Tanjug Dimitrije Goll

Antic says that they are in constant communication with the management of Zidjin and that today he had talks with the chairman of the board of the company Zidjin Bor, when he is expected to come to Belgrade and Bor next week.

“I hope that the review will resolve these acute problems and that the duration of the review will be measured in weeks,” Antic said.

He points out that after 2022, we will have a new foundry with higher capacity and better performance when it comes to environmental protection.

Antic says that sulfur dioxide is currently present in trace amounts in Bor, as the smelter is not working now.

Chinese giant Zidjin took over RTB Bor as a strategic partner in late 2018, when it became the owner of 63% of RTB.


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