Due to non-compliance with sanctions for both merchants and customers!


COMMUNITIES AND SHOPPING CENTERS CONTROLLED BY INSPECTION: For breach of sanctions for both merchants and customers!

Photo: Mondo / Stefan Stojanović

Members of the Communal Militia and the Sanitary Inspection are visiting the shopping centers, where, despite the epidemiological situation, large crowds are registered and they control the implementation of the prescribed measures, said the Communal Militia.

According to the interim secretary for Communal Militia Affairs, Ivan Divac, there are four patrols of that militia with inspectors and a team from the Sanitary Inspection on the ground.

Divac affirms that the control in the shopping centers began at 3:00 p.m. and points out that the management of the shopping center, the owners of the store, but also the visitors themselves can be sanctioned for non-compliance with the prescribed measures.

The Ministry of Health also confirms that there are sanitary inspectors in the field and that intensified controls of compliance with the measures are being carried out.

Despite the difficult epidemiological situation and measures to combat the spread of the corona virus, Belgrade shopping malls are very crowded due to the action of “Black Friday”, during which citizens can buy products at deep discounts.

Today’s photographs and recordings show citizens queuing in front of the shops and, although they wear protective masks, they do not respect the prescribed measures to keep their distance. According to the latest measures of the Government of Serbia to fight the corona virus, the working hours of the shopping centers are limited and can operate until 6 in the afternoon.


Photo by Mondo / Stefan Stojanović

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Author: delivery courier
