Due to criticism of the State and society and artists in the “agenda” of the deputies


Sad and miserable, this is how Milena Dragicevic Sesic, a professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Art in Belgrade, saw the attacks on actors in the Serbian Parliament. That is, due to criticism from the state and society, actress Seka Sablić was on the parliamentarians’ agenda in the previous days, and then Dragan Bjelogrlić for supporting his colleague. An apology from the state president followed, which director Janko Baljak sees as a comprehensive exposition of the nonsense of parliamentarism in Serbia.

She (Seka Sablić) called the society in which we live in agony. Her colleague Bjelogrlić defended her, so the two met in the parliamentary work. The treacherous roles were assigned to them by deputy Marko Atlagić. But it seems that the director is another person.

“It is completely clear when you see 10-15 people saying the same phrase, in the same tone, that these are speeches commissioned to fill the time in that Assembly, which has lost all meaning,” believes director Janko Baljak.

Attacks on actors are sad and miserable, so it would be better to ignore them, thinks professor Milena Dragicevic Sesic. However, we cannot, because they are broadcast on television, which we all finance. If the deputies are abusing the transfer and where the REM is, they should be investigated now, he added.

“I think REM, which is now incredibly criticized against unpatriotic sheep, newer N1s and Nove.rs, should really take a little more seriously all these other phenomena, frequency abuse and of course I mean especially to televisions with national frequencies, “says Milena. Dragicevic Sesic.

The dictionary, in which there are traitorous and mercenary determiners, was written in the 1990s, only then was it looked at with derision, says Baljak. It’s not funny anymore. This professor sued someone for the first time for that. His student, Pink’s leader and member of the parliamentary committee – Lav Pajkić.

“Not for my own satisfaction, because he called me a human traitor, but because I have to publicly show that it is inadmissible in a democratic country for a student of a professor on national television to call, present, throw his films in the trash”, said. Baljak.

Baljak is waiting for an epilogue from the court, actors will have to settle for the president’s apology.

“Of course he has now turned out to be a great, noble leader and messiah, who forgave us for beating us, and in fact has already practiced that mechanism of inciting artists, teachers, political dissidents to his party’s henchmen, and is always estranged “. consider Baljak.

“It is not an apology! It is, on the contrary, an excuse that he did harm and did not want to do it. So do not be angry with him because he attacked you, he did not hurt you that he attacked, but he did harm us . ” “, believes Professor Milena Dragicevic Sesic.

To the president’s observation that the actors who supported the ruling party were also called, Sesic responded that there is a great difference when it comes to a marginal opposition and for the support of Vucic, and when someone in power calls you a traitor.
