Due to Black Friday, the market inspection received three complaints – Economy


During “Black Friday”, which ends on Monday, the inspection of the Ministry of Commerce received three complaints in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis, but due to the short term for now, as we were told in this Ministry, they cannot say what are the results. these apps.

Due to Black Friday, the market inspection received three complaints 1Photo: Beta / Milan Obradović

“We observed that last year the market inspection received five reports in which the public complained about the actions of merchants within Black Friday,” they point out for Danas in the Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications.

Since the beginning of this year, in 400 inspections, the market inspection has controlled the organization and advertising of sales incentives, such as stocks and seasonal discounts.

The control was mainly focused on merchants selling clothing and technical products.

“Violations of the aforementioned regulation were determined in 47 cases, so we submitted requests to the Misdemeanor Court to initiate a process for misdemeanors,” says the Ministry of Commerce.

They recall that the Commercial Law prohibits the advertising of an apparent reduction in the price of goods, that is, it is prohibited to advertise a reduction if the previous price was falsely presented or the goods were offered at a previous price in a negligible period.

When announcing the sales incentive, the Ministry notes, the highest percentage of discounts can be indicated if it refers to at least one-fifth of the products in the merchant’s assortment.

The Commercial Law also prescribes liability for minor offenses in case the merchant does not comply with the conditions to offer and announce price reductions, that is, due to established illegality, followed by a request to initiate a procedure for minor offenses against the merchant.

The fine imposed in court for a misdemeanor committed can range from 500,000 dinars to 2 million dinars for a legal person, as well as 50,000 to 150,000 dinars for a responsible person.

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