In one of the interviews, Nebojsa Tubic Zabac revealed some details about the Zemun clan that few people knew about.
– The Legion used to be completely different, it was the embodiment of honesty, discipline, work, war, and then it became a drug addict, a criminal who participated in all these kidnappings. As a soldier, he learned to obey orders, so when Arkan ceased to exist, he began to listen to Duća.
– But it was not naive, when the kidnappings began, Legija knew how to count well, so they shared everything in half. Half is shared by the Legion and the other half is shared by the entire Zemun clan. The first was the kidnapping of Vuk Bajrušević, Legija then took half of himself and gave the rest to the people of Zemun to share. It was the link between the abductor and the victim’s family, and it was a guarantee that everything would turn out fine if the money was paid as ordered. It was the same when they kidnapped Mišković, they took 8 million in an hour. The Legion immediately took 4 million and sweetened it.
– And then his system crashed because of Chumet. He was the most intelligent, in fact he created Zemun. When they were with me, Duća ran after Čumet and loaded fuel into a bucket. Chume was against kidnappings and said they should take care of legal matters when he started building roads. However, they were not interested, they took a lot of money and nobody could stop them, and even if that happened, the kidnappings were treated as a temporary deprivation of liberty and the penalties were not great. Chume told them that a kilometer of road is a million euros, that it is pure money and that this is what should be done. However, they liked fast hunting and adrenaline. They are used to dealing with crime and they wanted to take more money like that, and Chume has gotten over it – he said.

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