DS Election Incident: Bozovic – Boxes Smashed, Rakic ​​Says Fake Elections


Former Democratic Party MP Balša Božović announced that there were incidents in the elections organized by a part of the DS and that ballot boxes and broken ballots were smashed, and that members of the DS electoral commission in the old town were physically attacked. Rakic ​​affirms for Nova.rs that there was no physical intrusion into the headquarters of the Democrats, but that he entered the party premises in the most normal way, with, he said, about 50 people, who are members of the DS of the board of all Serbia.

On Twitter, Bozovic accused DS Vice President Dragana Rakic ​​of those attacks, who, according to him, is doing so on behalf of party chairman Zoran Lutovac with “thugs from Sabac and Vojvodina.”

“It’s a shame it can’t be forgotten,” Bozovic wrote on Twitter.

He also posted a video showing Dragana Rakić, who at the party premises on Nušićeva Street, accuses the Election Organizing Committee of falsely presenting herself and the members who tell her she came to the wrong party, and Vida Ognjenović, who said that Rakić “will end up in advanced foreigners Srpska”.

Bozovic told Nova.rs that there was a physical attack in the DS elections, as well as that Dragana Rakic ​​broke the polls.

Bozovic claims that everything happened during the vote at the DS headquarters in the old town.

“Dragana Rakić came in with some people from the Sabac city administration.” He broke two ballot boxes together with those people, and they also tore the ballots, “he says.

The former DS deputy adds that the members of the electoral commission were physically attacked, that is, they were expelled during the vote.

“I was also kicked out and insulted by the founders of the party, Vidu Ognjenović and Dragan Domazet. I am very sorry and sorry. This is a very ugly image, for which Lutovac is solely responsible. That shows nervousness and helplessness,” says Božović .

Asked where he came from in the elections, considering that it was announced that he was expelled from the party, Bozovic said that he heard that information on RTS and was never given an explanation about it.

“They told me they would email it and it would be their turn to physically deliver it to me. When they do, I have the right to complain. However, I have not received any notification about it yet, ”he explains.

Rakic: She said there was no other option and we removed those boxes.

DS Vice President Dragana Rakić claims for Nova.rs that there was no physical intrusion into the Democrats’ headquarters, but that she entered the party premises in the most normal manner.

As she says, about 50 people came with her, who are members of the DS of the board from all over Serbia.

When asked if it was true that she and others broke boxes and ballots for the elections, which were organized by a faction of Democrats, she said she saw no broken ballots.

“As for the boxes, I said there was no other option and we removed them,” Rakic ​​added.

He said these “bogus elections were organized by Balsha’s mom and dad.”

“It just came to our knowledge then. They were sitting next to the boxes. I recognized them,” Rakic ​​said.

Dragana Rakić previously announced on Twitter that “today there are no elections” in the DS.

“Just hanging out with the members,” Rakić said.

The part of the DS in which Vida Ognjenović, Dragoslav Šumarac and Branislav Lečić are organizing elections for the president of the DS, while the current leadership of the party represented by President Zoran Lutovac and Vice President Dragana Rakić do not recognize those elections.

Bozovic and Lecic, who is the presidential candidate in the elections in the Board session organized by the leadership, were expelled from the party.

DS: Božović left the premises voluntarily, the lock was changed

The Democratic Party also came out, stating in a statement that “a small group of former and current party officials are trying to organize elections in violation of the Democratic Party Statute and using illegal and illegitimate methods, abusing access to Party headquarters. Democrat on Nusiceva Street. “

With the authorization of President Lutovac, Vice President Dragana Rakic, together with representatives of the board from all of Serbia, entered the Nusiceva premises and repeated to those present that today there are no elections in the Democratic Party. Several members of the Democratic Party and Balsa Bozovic left the premises after an hour. , after which the lock was changed, ”said DS.

The individuals are trying to “take over the Democratic Party by force”, but the Democratic Party membership from all over Serbia “showed them that such behavior will not happen and that they do not have the support” of the members of the Democratic Party, it adds.

“The Democratic Party was and remains the strongest opponent of the Serbian Progressive Party regime,” the statement concluded.
