Drunk guests quarreled, PETORO was injured


A massive fight took place in the “Bećarac” tavern in Novi Sad on Friday night around 10 pm, in which about twenty young people participated, reports the portal 021.

According to him, the fight took place in Temerinska 20’s tavern, which must have been closed due to epidemiological measures.

Ambulance spokesman Zoran Krulj told 021.rs that five men were injured and that the ambulance intervened at the police call.

The 25, 21, 25 and 23-year-olds were treated on the spot and transferred to the Department of Surgery, while the 26-year-old man received instructions for surgery.

The youths were reportedly under the influence of alcohol.

The portal notes that several patrols of regular units, as well as intervention, with the assistance of the gendarmerie, intervened and stopped the fight, and then detained a greater number of people.

Criminal charges will be filed in agreement with the prosecution and after investigation.

The communal militia, the health inspection and other services also came to the fore, in order to initiate a procedure against the facility that violated the law and the epidemic measures by working after 8 pm
