“DRUGS WAS BANNED, I HAVE TO AT LEAST DRINK, I DON’T CHOOSE WHAT” Darko Lazić talked about vices, and this is what he eats every day


Singer Darko Lazić revealed details about the duo he recorded with his godfather Andreana Čekić, but also spoke about vices.

Darko lazicPhoto: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

Darko lazic

Darko says that he is sure that his song and Andreana’s will be a great success.

– Estrada will eat white soup, you know, that’s what he’s looking for. Now it’s our turn to rock. You know what? I decided not to pretend. Who am I to deceive myself more? I have two children, two wives. I realized that those who have languages ​​do better. Imagine for a second that I was transferred to Earl’s karmic world. Well, I would be Rockefeller. I decided to be like that, so what I have in mind is in the other. My godmother and I can sing on the stump, it will be good and videos don’t have to be high budget anymore. It’s like a car, crazy, come on, no! There is a video for rolling in corn. Those who don’t have it, shoot those high-budget videos – said Lazić for “Kurir”.

The singer has lost more than 50 kilograms in recent months, and although he watches his diet, alcohol, as he says, cannot give up completely.

Darko lazicPhoto: Nemanja Jovanović, Instagram / Darko Lazić / RAS Serbia

Darko lazic

– The brandy should arrive now. I can’t get high, I was forbidden, I can’t eat, can I at least drink? When he ate, they said: “Here’s a wild boar”, when he took drugs, he was addicted to drugs, now that I drink, I’m probably an alcoholic. Well, I don’t do drugs, only on weekends. And cocaine, of course. Joke aside, I was forbidden everything, I have to at least have a drink – said Darko, adding:

– I don’t choose what I drink, I’m a serious bastard. I drink five glasses of brandy and I am very drunk. Today, for example, I had soup at five and that’s it. He didn’t drink anything and only ate once a day. The only thing is that I started drinking energy drinks abnormally. My menu is fish, soup, mashed potatoes, figs, peanuts, that’s it. When he ate dough or meat, he vomited.

Then he referred to his son Aleksej, whom he has with his current elect, Marina Gagić.

– The little one is the same Marina, only he’s as fat as me. Please, am I fat? The worst thing is that my friends still call me Bucko – said Darko for the mentioned newspaper.

VIDEO: Darko Lazić plays the piano, adorns the accordionists
