Drug traffickers are BOMBS on Serbian streets! Now it rang for them, whoever refuses the drug test WILL TAKE IT OFF!


SMOKE AND FEEL THE WHEEL: Drug traffickers are BOMBS on Serbian streets!  Now it rang for them, whoever refuses the drug test WILL TAKE IT OFF!

Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock

Drivers on the streets and highways are not only endangered by those who sit behind the wheel in an alcoholic state, but a considerable number of those who drive a motor vehicle are also drugged.

At the beginning of the year, regular tests of drivers for psychoactive substances began, and the Serbian Ministry of the Interior is already obliged to purchase more devices that rapidly detect the presence of drugs. Virtually not a day goes by without a large number of those who drove, committed a traffic accident, and even a total car accident under the influence of prohibited substances.

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Thus, on the Belgrade-Sid highway, the police detained a 17-year-old boy who was driving an “Alfa Romeo” car at a speed of 133.8 km / h, without a driving license, and also tested positive for cannabis. That same night, a 22-year-old in Belgrade tested positive for cocaine, heroin and methadone, and was also driving without a driver’s license!

Just a few days earlier, members of the Traffic Police Administration ordered the arrest of a 35-year-old driver who caused several traffic accidents in New Belgrade in 10 minutes in which two people were injured, and the tests showed that he was under the influence of drugs (cocaine) and alcohol.

That the situation is quite worrying is confirmed by the data when in just six days at the end of January, 40 drivers were excluded from the traffic based on the results of a drug test. The “Drager DrugTest 5000”, otherwise an expensive device that costs about 20 euros to test, reads the presence of seven types of narcotics: amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine, opiates, methadone and benzodiazepines. Among the drivers who were excluded from traffic in late January, 16 of them were under the influence of cannabis and eight under the influence of cocaine and amphetamines. In nine the presence of various types of psychoactive substances was determined.

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– It does not necessarily mean that everyone who drove under the influence of narcotics took them that day. When a person takes cannabis, he feels good after 15-30 minutes and that keeps him for 3-4 hours, after which he returns to normal, but it is wrong to think that the effect of narcotics then stops. According to the latest research, marijuana and cannabis remain in the body for up to 28 days from the day they were taken, unlike alcohol, which wears off after 12 o’clock, says Dr. Zoran Dimitrijevic, a neuropsychiatrist and subspecialist in Uzice child psychiatry, according to Blic.

Drug addicts break the steering wheel and gas and are therefore too dangerous for the environment.

Dimitrijević is the author of the “School without drugs” program, which was adopted by the Government of Zoran Đinićić to prevent drug addiction and which covered more than 100,000 children in our country, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. Recently, the Uzice traffic police found a 45-year-old taxi driver who, as announced, was driving under the influence of psychoactive substances.

As Dr. Zoran Dimitrijevic states, each type of medicine works differently. Those who take depressant drugs, such as opium and heroin, will not get behind the wheel.

– It is good for them, they experience nirvana and it is good for them when they do nothing. However, there is a group of narcotics that have a false stimulant effect. These are cocaine, cannabis, extracts, speed and they make a person feel more capable, in a better mood, to feel like they can do something else, to solve some situations more easily, to have a lot of energy, to keep them awake, moving. Users forget about the problem and everything looks nice to them. Therefore, they make mistakes, everywhere, even in traffic, explains Uzice’s doctor.

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Dr. Dimitrijević is trying to copy the condition of the driver under the influence of stimulant drugs on the football field. Just as a football player who has taken one of these drugs can run faster and faster than others, says the neuropsychiatrist, so it seems to the driver that the speed of, for example, 60 kilometers per hour is very low and can be much higher.

– In his psyche a false idea is created about the state of his mental and physical capacity, which is better and stronger than others, he does not know that his sanity has been reduced. It just breaks the steering wheel and the throttle and therefore is absolutely dangerous for the environment, much less for the traffic participants.

Try for 10 minutes or to the hospital

In addition to the drug test, which is practically carried out from a saliva sample while the driver is behind the wheel and lasts about 10 minutes, there is another way to control the presence of psychoactive substances.

That is, the traffic police can send a driver when they suspect that he is under the influence of narcotics for an expert examination to an appropriate health institution, where medical personnel perform an analysis of a blood or urine sample.

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From 20,000 dinars to 30 days in prison

When it comes to punishing a driver under the influence of narcotics, after being excluded from traffic, his detention is ordered for up to 12 hours.

– A request is made to initiate a procedure for minor offenses against the driver and the law prescribes a fine of 20,000 to 40,000 dinars, or a prison sentence of 30 days, eight penalty points and a protective measure of prohibition of driving during at least six months – says the Serbian Interior Ministry.

A driver who refuses to submit to a drug test will be fined 100,000 to 120,000 dinars, score 14 negative points and remain without a license for eight months, or serve a 30-day prison term.

(Kurir.rs/Blic, V. Lojanica)

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