DRUG PARAGLIDER FLYED FOR 10 MINUTES With 18 kilograms of drugs, a Serbian plane crashed 600 meters from Horgos, the police only discovered the COUNTER-STRONG FILM PLAN the next day


Two years after the movie’s attempt to smuggle drugs from Serbia to Hungary, an indictment was filed against three people.

Namely, the arrest of Serbian citizen ZM and two other aides who attempted to smuggle 18 kilograms of marijuana across the Serbian-Hungarian border with a paraglider after the plane crashed after crossing the border due to problems with the engine.

In September 2018, around 8 p.m., a border police thermal camera noticed a motorized paraglider coming from Serbia. They followed the movement of the aircraft until it suddenly landed in a field in the area of ​​the highway that crosses Tisasige.

They headed toward it, and then the operator following the thermal imaging camera saw a man get out of the plane and push her into the woods on the way.

When the police came, the Serb decided to explain his forced landing as an accident caused by a technical problem with the engine, so he also said that he injured his legs and requested medical help.

The police then conducted an investigation at the scene of the accident. However, something was suspicious to them, so the next day they brought a dog that smelled drugs in the back seat of the plane. A hidden sports bag was found, containing 10 packages containing just over 18 kilograms of suspicious plant matter, which was later determined to be marijuana.

The estimated value of smuggled marijuana is 36.2 million!

He observed the terrain with his assistants.

The investigation later established that the arrested Serb was not alone in this business, and that he had two assistants from his native Serbia. According to the indictment, filed a few days ago, according to the Hungarian index, the three have known each other for a long time since they worked together at a company in Szeged.

The police in HungaryPhoto: Zsolt Czegledi / EPA;
The police in Hungary

Using their connections and acquaintances in Serbia, they decided to smuggle drugs into Hungary using a skill they acquired through a common hobby: paragliding.

To smuggle, as they say, they have crossed the border several times since May 2018 to explore the proper terrain for take-off and landing. In the end, they chose a field near Horgos.

Meanwhile, one night they traveled to Novi Sad, where they acquired 17 packages of drugs with approximately 18 kilograms of marijuana, placed in a black bag. They left the drugs in a hiding place not far from the border, and then crossed to Hungary.

Then, after two days, they traveled back to Serbia and transferred the drug near the take-off location and hid it there. Then they returned to Hungary again.

And then, about two weeks later, they went into action: they went to the take-off site near Horgos, where they gathered a paraglider, waited for the night, and shot up into the sky around 8 p.m. The flight across the border lasted ten minutes, and then the plane crashed about 600 meters from the border police.

The defendant tried to hide the drugs, but the police dogs exposed him. The prosecution accuses them of drug trafficking, but also of illegal border crossing. The Szeged court will decide on the guilt of the accused.

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