
One of the mysteries about the tragic death of a 52-year-old computer scientist from Belgrade was solved yesterday on Pančićeva Street in Dorćol. Based on the video that “Blic” had an idea about, but will not publish for understandable reasons, IT did not accidentally fall from the 12 floors of the building, as was initially speculated. He consciously and decisively threw himself into the abyss – not one, but two – in front of the surprised firefighters, who lacked seconds to save him, but also the police, the ambulance team and numerous witnesses.

At first it was thought that a stranger was sleeping or lying unconscious on the eaves of the terrace on the 12th floor of the building. However, as soon as the firefighters got close enough to him, he quickly and decisively launched himself from a lying position into the abyss, only to fall onto the terrace below!

Despite calls from the police and firefighters not to move, it was obvious that they did not want help, because once again, cunningly and without hesitation, as if in a hurry, he threw himself into the abyss and died.

Here’s how the drama unfolded yesterday:

11.00 – Pačić tenants noticed a man lying on top of the building

Tenants on Pančićeva Street noticed a man lying in the canopy on the very roof of the building around 11 a.m. yesterday. Slobodan Plavisic was the first to notice the man’s legs dangling from the top of the building, and he immediately called the police.

– He was lying down, from time to time he only moved his fingers, then he turned a little, but he said nothing – the witness of horror said anxiously about Dorćol.

The tenants noticed that the man was lying on the canopy on top of the building on Pančićeva StreetPhoto: screenshot

The tenants noticed that the man was lying on the canopy on top of the building on Pančićeva street

The police soon arrived on the scene. Police called the fire department and an ambulance team for help. The man lay motionless, but he was conscious. He did not communicate with anyone.

11.15 – Police and firefighters agree how to save the man

Police and firefighters agreed on how to access the IT to safely lower it from the building, considered the option of opening a large airbag, but found there was not enough room for it, and decided to climb on the roof and try to save it.

As the building’s tenants told “Blic”, the man was able to reach the roof through the passage of several neighboring buildings, because the space was connected, while he could not go through the fire escapes, because they were closed. To get to the canopy that he was lying on facing his stomach, he also had to jump a high concrete fence.

– I do not know if he planned to commit suicide or fell accidentally, but it is clear that he did not arrive at that place by accident. He had to make an effort to get to that canopy – said one of the tenants of the building.

11.40 am – Firefighters and policemen climb to the roof of the building.

Half an hour later, a team of firefighters climbed to the top of the solitaire to rescue a man who had been lying motionless for some time.

As soon as they climbed up, firefighters noticed the man lying face down on the canopy.

A man is lying on the roof canopy of the building.Photo: screenshot

A man is lying on the roof canopy of the building.

As can be seen from the images and photos, the firefighters approached the wall behind which was the canopy on which the man lay.

A firefighter approached the man lying in the canopy.Photo: screenshot

A firefighter approached the man lying in the canopy.

One of the firefighters slowly jumped over the fence to get close to the IT and tried to help him, however the man started moving at that moment. He saw and heard the firefighters and slowly began to retreat with his body towards the edge of the canopy.

The man moves to fall off the canopy.Photo: screenshot

The man moves to fall off the canopy.

Anxious firefighters started yelling “No, no, no, don’t move,” but consciously, he slowly started backing toward the edge of the canopy and a second later fell right onto the terrace below him. Just by sheer luck at that time, he did not fall directly from the 12th floor, but ended up with his whole body on the terrace of the 12th floor apartment, where a family lives with a small child.

The man fell directly onto the terrace under the canopy.Photo: screenshot

The man fell directly onto the terrace under the canopy.

The man fell onto the terrace on his back, his legs were on the edge of the terrace, his hands were on the other side of the fence and the firefighters breathed a sigh of relief thinking that by sheer luck the man was still well and saved. Although he was able to stand on the terrace and save himself, a few seconds later the man began to get up to jump the fence.

As you can see from the video, he made a determined effort to get up and jump the fence into the abyss …

Man jumps the fencePhoto: screenshot

Man jumps the fence

Firefighters yelled at the man to stop, a firefighter was already in the canopy on which the IT lay, however, the IT body jumped over the terrace fence on the 12th floor and jumped off it.

A man falls from 12 storiesPhoto: screenshot

A man falls from 12 stories

He fell 12 stories to the sidewalk in front of the building and died on the spot from his injuries. The man fell right in front of the ambulance team. The doctors tried to help him, but the wounds were horrible …

The building’s occupants and numerous witnesses were shocked by the horrifying sight that took place before their eyes.

As we learn, the deceased is from Belgrade, he graduated from Belgrade Faculty of Electrical Engineering, but was unemployed.
