This weekend, traffic in Serbia is expected to increase 100 percent after the state of emergency is lifted.
That is why the Traffic Police Administration announces intensified control measures that will include radar control, camera control on the road, alcohol testing at each stop, because in proportion to the number of vehicles during the state of emergency, despite that the streets were empty, more drivers died. , they say in the Traffic Safety Committee.
Statistics say that since the introduction of the state of emergency in Serbia, there have been 2,404 traffic accidents, 31 people died and 1,032 were injured. The highest number of accidents was due to speeding, but also to alcohol, which was the most crucial in accidents with the most serious consequences.

– Alcohol and steering wheel do not go together, it is much cheaper to take a taxi, it is much cheaper to spend the night somewhere, it is much cheaper than ordinary fines, not to mention that if you hide the accident under the influence of alcohol , will pay all damages. , and is often measured in millions of dinars, says Damir Okanović of the Traffic Safety Committee.
Experts say drivers showed a high degree of indiscipline during the state of emergency, although 50 percent fewer people were killed than last year in the same period. In proportion to the number of vehicles in traffic, many more people died during the state of emergency.
They drove faster, in the opposite direction, under the influence of alcohol, they did not stop at a red light, they demolished the billboards, they say in the Traffic Safety Committee and they warned all who have not driven for a long time to lend attention to other traffic participants. The Interior Ministry tells drivers not to relax.
– Emphasis will be placed on speed control, alcoholism control, the use of seat belts and, of course, the very current control of motorcycles, says Aleksandar Radenković of the Traffic Police.
Traffic Police say that to reduce the number of these violations, they are carrying out more traffic control.
All drivers who drive at a speed higher than that allowed will be brought to the competent misdemeanor court for an urgent procedure.

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Author: Delivery courier