Draža Petrović column: Red Lantern Party


In those columns “It happened on this day” of January 1, it should be written: “Ivica Dačić was born, a man who lost his sense of taste and smell 30 years ago, and it is not a crown. They do not know what it is.”

His loss of sense of taste refers to the total lack of awareness of what he has swallowed in life, as well as the lack of taste in choosing political partners and choosing the government he will support.

And the sense of smell is guaranteed not to exist, because he is a specific type of people, nothing stinks to him. And there’s no smell you can’t stand, from a rotten sauerkraut pot, tons of bitter bananas, to the Serbian Progressive Party.

You could even say that what he smells like stinks to everyone else. And there has always been something stinky about Dacic, ever since he appeared in parliament as a young socialist in the early 1990s with hymns prepared about Slobo Milosevic, so he was the forefront of Luka Kebara, until a few days ago when he chose one. easier during commercial break in RTS. more difficult questions.

“What Slob is doing doesn’t suck you,” they asked him in the 1990s, and nothing smelled of him, no matter how hard he worked on his nostrils, so he can be counted as a zero patient who proudly wears all the symptoms for 30 years.

Dacic as a carrier will not give you a fever, but you will only have high blood pressure, when you calculate how many people have disappeared in those 30 years due to the various policies that Dacic supports, and he still lacks nothing. And he is happy.

So yesterday morning, on his birthday, he played a little presenter on TV Prva, because he traditionally celebrates his birthday with a show: on January 1, 2012, he walked down Boris Tadić Street with Open Heart Street and gossiped about Vučić , and a few months later He walked through the Serbian Government with Aleksandar Vučić and gossiped about Tadić.

A year earlier, when it was already agreed that Aleksandar Vučić would become mayor of Belgrade as a candidate of the SNS coalition, SPS, DSS, he changed his decision at the last minute, so the SPS helped the mayor to become Djilas.

The same – which, well, Djilas, they’re, well, amateurs – from the other day from the RTS studio.

Later, he again helped Djilas to be removed from the post of mayor of Belgrade, and on that occasion declared: “As for Djilas, I think he is on his way to becoming a plusquamperfect.”

Djilas soon became really a plusquamperfect, while Dacic remained non-stop in a verb form called present.

Such a talented red professional as Dacic has failed to deliver Amsterdam’s Red Light District in history, so perhaps it should be displayed in a window display so that younger generations can see a special human species: a zero patient of Serbian multi-partyism. he would have a red star on his party’s coat of arms. five-legged, there should be a red lantern. For those who suck nothing, it is in bad taste, and they are even willing to support, for the sake of their survival, those politicians who have long been in eternal hunting grounds.

Thus, in the last pre-electoral campaign he praised his friend Tito where he could, although from 1945, only with Tito because of Tito’s objective impediment, he did not form a coalition.

Dacic became a great Titoist, because part of his career he tried to prove that Sloba is Tito himself. And for the moment, he is helping to show that President Vučić is the same Tito, if not the same Tito from the same Tito.

“True to Titus, loyal to the king, Jaša Prodan lies here” was a mocking epitaph for the famous Serbian politician Jaša Prodanović, who was both a monarchist and a Titoist, depending on who is in power, while that satirical song in the case of Dačić said: “” I am loyal to Tito, Slobo, Kostunica and Tadic, loyal to Vucic, Ivica Prodan will be with us forever. “

Of all the disposable items in the period from 1990 onwards, Ivica Dačić ranks the best. Immediately behind him are tissues, but unlike tissues, Dačić never ended up in a bucket, but in the bucket are those who used him once. It turned out, that is, that Dacic is a totally disposable man, but those who used him once let him pass.

Then you are right: “They are amateurs.” Regarding the dean of the Red Lantern Party.
