Drastic drop in the number of new infections, 11 deaths, 119 patients with respirators


LAST CROSS SECTION OF THE CROWN IN SERBIA: Drastic drop in the number of new infections, 11 deaths, 119 patients with respirators

Photo: Shutterstock, Covid19.rs

In the last 24 hours, 8,397 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 1,318 tested positive.

Unfortunately, 11 people died.

There are 119 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia.

Number of new infected by cities: Belgrade 583 (44%), Novi Sad 139, Kragujevac 127, Nis 76, Kraljevo 66, Sabac 43, others less than 20.

photo: Covid19.rs

By the way, the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, met today with the directors of all covid hospitals in Serbia. Loncar stressed that the situation is the most difficult in Belgrade.

– In one day, we consume oxygen for patients in the hospital as we consume it in normal conditions in a month. A kovid hospital in Belgrade consumes five tons of oxygen a day, Lončar says, adding that the Zemun hospital will have the capacity to receive newly infected people for another day and a half.

After that, the Pančevo hospital will switch to the kovid system, while this time the “Banjica” Institute will not be dedicated to the accommodation of kovid patients.


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