Draško R. had his head shattered, BLOODY MACOLA AND AX found next to his body! VIDEO


Draško R. de Niš was assassinated in one of the rooms bought within the “Min Kopeks” company today around 4.15 pm.

The police confirmed to us that the lifeless body of a man was found next to when a bloody mace and an ax were found, so it is presumed that there was a fight between the victim and the murderer or more of them.

Wounds on the top of his head are visible on his body, and an ax and a mace were found next to him. The investigation is ongoing and the incident has been reported to the Superior Prosecutor’s Office.

– The victim is an individual from Nis who has a brother in Australia and started a business here. He bought only the lower part of the hall and started work. Today he was working with two workers and since they had a lot of work to do, he told them to go to lunch and then come back and continue with the work for a while longer.

However, when the workers returned, they found the owner of the company dead. For now, we actually found a mace and ax next to it, so we’ll follow the direction of the clues, the people at the investigation told us off the record.

The victim is known in Nis because she kept a famous cafe in the city for a long time. At the “Min Kopeksa” complex, it is said that Draško R. was a hard-working man and that he set out to develop his business with great enthusiasm.

– That room that he rented is in the depths of the factory, so it is possible that no one will find out from here what happened – one of the workers told us.


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Author: delivery courier
