DRAŠKO ON THE SERBIA AND SERBIA BROTHERHOOD: We can’t wait for help, he spoke about the Dayton review!


He assessed that Serbia’s relationship with the Republika Srpska is the best possible, but also that he would like relations to be on an equal footing and cooperation to be strengthened.

Stanivuković expressed his expectations that he will visit Belgrade on January 15, and that he is looking forward to it, emphasizing that he has, he says, a beautiful communication with the mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojičić.

– We continue the tradition of all previous years – said Stanivuković.

When asked if the Dayton Accord could be revised, the Mayor of Banja Luka replied that it is only possible if all three parties agree and that consensus is needed.

– The problems in the Republika Srpska are not those of Dayton, but the problems of the people who run this country. I would change those things and the focus of the economy and the issues that we focus on, and I would drop these other issues when we stabilize priorities, Stanivuković thinks.

As he himself says, “1,000 changes, agreements and anything in vain if there are no citizens.”

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