DRAŠKO MEET THE KILLER? A man is suspected of breaking into the business of a Nis businessman while the workers were having lunch and hitting him with a mace and ax.


The Nis police are working hard to shed light on the cruel crime whose victim is businessman Draško R. (46), who was killed yesterday with an ax and a mace in the factory hall on Bulevar on February 12. The investigation, which began on Thursday afternoon, continued today because there is no electricity in the room where the murder took place, considering that it is undergoing reconstruction.

Today, the forensic police were joined by the head of the department of biological traces of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, the best expert on bloodstains in the country, Ivan Stojanović.

Using traces of blood, he managed to partially reconstruct the crime, including the position of the attacker and the victim at the time the bloody conflict occurred. In front of the room where Drasko was killed, the police were on duty all day due to the investigation that lasted, so that journalists did not have the opportunity to enter the scene of the crime, writes “Telegraf”.

A businessman who rented a production hall in the area of ​​the “Min Kopex” company, with no signs of life, was found yesterday around 4.15pm by two of his workers.

The suspicion that they had something to do with the crime was quickly removed because it was established that brothers MM (39) and NM (34) had no reason to deal with their employer so brutally.

They did not want to speak to reporters, explaining that they did not want to further upset Drasko’s family.

Since last night, the Nis police have questioned a large number of people who knew the victim, but for now there is no confirmation that any of them are suspected of a horrible crime.

However, the findings so far indicate that the victim probably knew the attacker and that even Draško met him by prior arrangement.

He concludes that Drasko sent his men on a break at a time when they should have finished their work because it was getting dark. It seems like he wanted to meet someone in private.

– There is information that a man was seen entering your room at a critical moment, but that knowledge is still being verified. It does not seem that the murderer arrived by chance because there are numerous facilities within the “MIN Kopex” company, and it seems that he knew well where he was going, because Drasko was on the first floor of the building at the time of the crime – explain our familiar sources with this case.

Photo: B. Janačković / RAS Serbia

Everything indicates that at some point there was a conflict between the attacker and the victim, which had a fatal epilogue.

– The killer grabbed the tool he had at hand, because Draško and his men used it for work, and hit him hard on the head. He put the ax and mace close to his body, probably trying to escape as soon as possible. That could be the key to their identification, because both tools were sent for forensic processing, our interlocutors say.

Neighbors don’t know much about Drasko’s business

Drasko’s neighbors say he was a good man, but they don’t know much about his business.

– He was not financially stable, sometimes he didn’t have money and then you could see that he does. He has a brother in Australia who helped him financially. He also rented a room from him and Draško opened a business in March this year. It seemed that things were moving forward, we were all surprised by what happened, say the neighbors of the Komren settlement where the murdered man lived with his wife and two children.

Have you previously been in conflict with the law?

Drasko replaced the family surname with another and kept the old one only on his FB profile. According to unofficial information, he previously had certain conflicts with the law, for which he was prohibited from entering European countries, so he changed his surname in order to take his family on vacation.

– There are few Nishli like him. It is an endangered species. He used to be a scoundrel, but in the good old fashioned way – said Draskov’s childhood friend.
