DRASHKO SHOCKED SARAJEVO: Serbia was created by the struggle of the Serbian people! There will be no gay parade in my city!


Speaking in the Central Daily on Facebook TV, and responding to the question of whether he would support the gay parade in Banja Luka, he said that one in Sarajevo was enough.

– I believe that these are values ​​that should not be promoted in the squares in that way. That is not in the spirit of the people to whom I belong – said Stanivuković, adding that no one is in danger.

He added that there would be no gay parade in Banja Luka during his tenure. He pointed out that he had not received such an initiative, that is, he had not yet assumed office.

“I don’t think it should be in Banja Luka, that’s my position,” he said.

He pointed out that entities must compete on who will be better.

– I am sending a human message, one can live normally here – said Stanivuković.

He added that he put a man at the center of his politics and does not divide people by religion or nation.

He said that the Republika Srpska was created by “the struggle of the Serbian people”, and that it is permanent and unquestionable. When asked what Serbia is to him, he said: mother.

Stanivuković said that after all the ugly words, he started to wonder if he liked coming to Sarajevo. He mentioned negative articles in some media about him.

When asked who turned it down, he said:

– The media, because they misunderstand me, because they call my people derogatory names.

He cited the example of a Sarajevo website that called him “Drasko Stanivukovic shameful.”


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