DRAMATIC WARNING FROM PROFESSOR KECMANOVIĆ: The atmosphere in Bosnia and Herzegovina is worse than before the war!


Such ideas, Kecmanović noted, are very dangerous because they can cause new political and even armed conflicts that would inevitably spread to Serbia and Croatia, then to the whole region, and perhaps much further, because many actors in the world sided with them. in the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– I would like to exaggerate if I say that whoever touches the Dayton Agreement may wish for a third world war. It would not be the first time that Sarajevo has become the trigger for such a war. At the very least, it is a serious attack on peace and stability in the region, which everyone swears by – said Kecmanović.

He believes that the Dayton Agreement with the annexes is a realistic maximum that could be achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– Some new and better agreement, which would be accepted by all three parties, not only was not offered, but no one has any idea what it would be like. Also, even today’s old man wouldn’t want everyone to sign again, Kecmanović claimed.

Kecamnović believes that any discussion about modifying the Dayton Accord would end with the words “prevent it from getting worse.”

According to him, the western center of power did not create a unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina, even when it was the only superpower, and the global balance of power has changed significantly in the meantime, and active politicians, who make decisions, must take into account the new reality.

– What does it mean to impose? Use of military force or political pressure? Force would provoke a counterforce, and that means war, regardless of the balance of power, Kecamnović said.

He added that he did not believe that Europe was ready to support such a thing in its backyard, with new waves of refugees and a humanitarian catastrophe, and that Russia and China would not look at it with folded arms.

Bosnia and Herzegovina professor of Constitutional Law and former diplomat, Zlatko Dizdarevic, stressed that Bosnia and Herzegovina is “experiencing a complete state-building hysteria” that cannot survive for long.

– What will happen with the Dayton Agreement, whether or not there will be a disintegration of the country, depends on the great powers, which have an interest in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Americans have an interest in strengthening NATO and attracting Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, all the Balkans to NATO, and the Russians have an interest in making a border with NATO here. How it will end is up to them, not us, ”he said.


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