Belgrade – In Belgrade, the most critical situation with the Koran virus, hospital capacities are coming to an end, says the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Erlek.
Source: Tanjug

He hopes that today the Crisis Tab for the fight against kovid 19 brings the best measures and adds that it will surely not be a curfew and lock.
“In the next seven to ten days, the number of new patients will continue to increase. This means that hospitals will be more crowded and the number of deaths will be higher,” Erlek told TV Pink.
He emphasized that there were many hospital admissions in the last 24 hours, that Beanijska kosa had 22 admissions and Zvezdara even 78.
There are almost no places at the Belgrade Infectious Diseases Clinic, so the Dragia Miovi and Zvezdara clinical and hospital centers are fully re-entering the kovid system.
“We are making superhuman efforts to make more places in the hospitals through redeployment, not to allow ourselves to get into a situation where we do not have places for patients in Belgrade. We have to hold out until December 1 when we open the Kovid hospital in Batajnica.” , said.
He notes that the Belgrade virus is slowly spreading to other parts of Serbia and that the north of the country is slowly turning to sand.
“Novi Sad is in second place in terms of the number of victims for several days. The situation in Kragujevac, Krujevac, Valjevo is beginning to heat up, but also in southern Serbia: Preevo, Bujanovac, Leskovac. We are in a serious situation. and we are trying to solve all problems on a daily basis, “Erlek said.
As he said, a group of irresponsible people wants to turn the procession into a tragedy, and today there are examples of entire families in hospitals.
“A few days ago we had 80 percent of people between the ages of 20 and 40, now that limit has changed and we have many more patients between the ages of 40 and 70. We have more people on respirators, more people dying for us,” he said .
He points out that it is important to save the medical personnel who carry the greatest weight in this fight.