
In the last 24 hours, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people infected with corona in Serbia, which is almost 100 more than the day before; there were 245, and even more worrying is that in just 24 hours up to 80 people ended up in the hospital. it is the highest number since September 2.

On Tuesday, a total of 329 patients were hospitalized in all hospitals, and yesterday that number increased to 409. According to the Ministry of Health, 6,428 people were examined in Serbia in the last 24 hours, of which 245 were positive, unlike the day before, when there were 152, and one person died, bringing the total number of kovid deaths in the country to 768.

Of the total number of newly infected, 84 are from Belgrade, 23 from Kragujevac and Valjevo, nine from Nis, seven from Vranje, six from Novi Sad and Krusevac, five from Vrnjacka Banja and four new patients from Bor, Ćuprija, Aleksandrovac and Prijepolje.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić stated that there is no doubt that the situation with the crown will be worse.

– It is not dramatic yet, we do not have a large number of deaths and hospitalizations, the system is putting up with all that for now, but it is time to act with the greatest possible responsibility and to understand that we will face a vicious disease in the most cruel sense – warned Vucic for RTS. We do not have children aged six, seven to 18 who are life-threatening, but there is a danger to the elderly and the sick, and they must take care of them.

He added that we are working on hospitals, equipment …

– We are working on vaccines, negotiating with the Russians, the Chinese, the West. We are still facing a difficult period with kovid, these numbers are not dramatic yet, but watch how they jump overseas. We continue to hold on well, if it is going to be worse, it will of course be – said Vučić, adding that although he is not part of the medical team, he does not see much sense in closing schools.


KBC Bežanijska kosa director Marija Zdravković said yesterday that a hiatus had been noticed in the last 20 days, when the hospital received three to four patients, but that the beginning of this week brought a new jump in the number of patients. hospitalized, and now there are 90 in that hospital.

– There were 17 receptions on Monday. The clinical picture is bilateral pneumonia, which usually passes within a week, however, in patients who have weak immunity and other diseases, complications occur. We currently have three patients on a ventilator, these are life-threatening patients. Most people do not know exactly where he got infected, but there is information that he went to demonstrations and did not keep his distance, said Dr. Zdravković for the Public Service.

Mladen Šarčević

Positively 108 students in schools

photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

Education Minister Mladen Šarčević declared yesterday that since October 1, 51 school students in Serbia have fallen ill, 30 primary and 21 secondary, while seven of the employees are positive for the crown. As of September 1, there were 108 students in schools who had the virus, 65 in elementary schools and 43 in secondary schools, as well as 36 employees. There are no patients in the dormitories, and in the student centers this week they have a student with a crown.

The Balkans and its surroundings are a new focus of Europe

  • Croatia 748
  • Slovenia 707
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina 476
  • Bulgaria 785
  • Austria 1,346
  • Romania 4,016
  • Hungary 920
  • South Macedonia 80
  • Albania 182

This is where most of the infected were yesterday

  • Belgrade 84
  • Kragujevac 23
  • Valjevo 23
  • Nis 9
  • Vranje 7
  • Novi Sad 6
  • Kruševac 6
  • Vrnjacka Banja 5
  • Bor 4
  • Bridge 4
  • Aleksandrovac 4
  • Prijepolje 4

Zlatibor Lončar

Do not introduce curfew

photo: Zorana Jevtić

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar once again called on citizens to respect all prescribed protective measures against the coronavirus, emphasizing that discipline has proven to pay off.

– If we could have a good result so far, let us continue to be disciplined and united so as not to get into the situation again, as many countries do, introduce the mandatory use of outdoor masks, close restaurants, curfew … – he said Lončar for TV Prva.

Do not travel

Serbia remains off the EU list

EU member states will not change the list of countries whose citizens, according to epidemiological data, are allowed free entry into the Schengen territory, Tanjug learned in Brussels. Serbia therefore remains subject to temporary restrictions when it comes to travel to the EU.

Kurir.rs/ Jelena Pronić Photo:

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
