Dramatic artists: Attack on Bjelogrlić in the Assembly, Dačić to stop the persecution


The Serbian Dramatic Artists Association (UDUS) sent an open letter to the Speaker of the Serbian parliament Ivica Dacic, warning that the state parliament was “shamefully used” to attack the artists, and called on Dacic to condemn and stop “the slander, threats and persecution of artists, an opinion whose freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution. “

The open letter notes that UDUS is a “representative association in culture” and that it vigorously protests on behalf of dramatic artists “against inappropriate and unacceptable rhetoric coming from the House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, insults, inappropriate condemnations and verbal persecution, and especially because calls to leave the country sent yesterday to our colleague, lead actor and director Dragan Bjelogrlić. “

“It is a shame that the National Assembly is used to attack folk artists, that in the highest institution of this country we look at and hear the insults directed at artists whose work is woven into our culture and national identity. The best artists bring they only benefit the culture of each country, they never harm. ” , was highlighted in an open letter to Dačić.

The Serbian Association of Dramatic Artists asks Dacic “as President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia” to condemn and stop “the slander, threats and persecution of artists for differences of opinion whose freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution, because he will to the detriment of the spiritual and civilizing development of our society “. “

“His non-declaration could be construed as complicity,” said the association of theater artists of Serbia.

In the letter to Dačić, UDUS recalls that “170 years ago, the genius Jovan Sterija Popović described the face of patriotism in his work ‘Patriots'”.

At this time, the most important thing is the fight for the health and common sense of the citizens of Serbia, said UDUS in an open letter to the President of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dačić.
