DRAMA NEAR JAGODINA A train with sulfur overturned, a leak was noticed


The sulfur-laden wagon overturned at 7.30pm between the Bagrdan and Jagodina railway stations, on the section of the Nis – Lapovo line. The carrier “Srbija Cargo” announces that this is the fifth car of the locomotive.

The fire brigade immediately went to the scene and secured the site of the landslide, because according to the first information from the field, a leak was noticed and they are currently carrying out all the necessary activities in their domain.

The statement claims that no one was injured.

“There were seventeen carriages on this freight train, which was going from Dimitrovgrad to Sabac. Rail traffic on this part of the line is currently disrupted, so the trains between Belgrade and southern Serbia do not work,” Serbia Cargo said in a statement.

A joint commission of “Serbia Cargo” and “Serbian Railway Infrastructure” will determine the cause of this slide.

It is stated that the expert services will try to repair the consequences of this landslide as soon as possible and create the conditions for the normalization of rail traffic on this part of the Nis railway.
