Dragoljub Micko Ljubicic: We need a set of vaccines against arrogance and disenfranchisement


Dragoljub Micko Ljubicic, a satirist and one of the authors of the “Pljiz” program, says that people in Serbia do not need a vaccine against the coronavirus, but that we need a set of vaccines against the arrogance of the government, the disenfranchisement, the media freedom and repression. The key thing he points to in the government’s fight against the epidemic is the loss of trust among citizens and the fact that even the strongest ammunition has been used: the introduction of the curfew when it did not have time.

“In a situation where we went through the most severe bans and appeals during the spring and when we were presented with things that obviously didn’t have time, we used up some of the strongest ammunition because then the state spent it, not just declaring a state of emergency and curfew, but it was spent.and trust what happened after that.

Those who introduce measures without any measures and then remove them without any measures, that is exactly what happened. Then the most powerful weapon was expended: the curfew, which I think would be much more efficient now because previously it was an incomparable situation of what is happening now and which could now bear fruit to stop the growing pandemic. I’m afraid this government no longer has the right to do that, “Ljubicic told H1.

He believes that the government fears the consequences if it does so now, and that is why it hides behind crisis personnel. This, he points out, is confirmed by the statement of the epidemiologist Predrag Kon, who stated that he would not give information and that he should do so on the part of politicians, which shows that in some way he was a scapegoat, and that he carried that burden and still the carries, how and that he had to suffer on many occasions what were not his decisions.

He also points to the contradictory statements of the authorities about when the vaccine will be available for the citizens of Serbia, and that he hopes that the next information will be that it will arrive “in two or three years at the most” and that we will have “the vaccine, but like a doll. “.

“We need a vaccine not only against the crown, but we need a series of vaccines, a set of vaccines against the arrogance of the government, against the deprivation of rights, media freedoms, repression … A cocktail that was given to the arrival in the army and leaving to stay healthy for a while, that cocktail is very complex, we should all drink it, ”says Ljubičić.

He adds that while the whole world agrees on the vaccine and unites, in our country the opposite is happening: chaos and arrogance.

“This government does not understand, I think, how bad that mixed information is for them and for any credibility that remains behind them,” says Ljubicic, and estimates that if Vucic thought about calling elections in a year and a half, he will have to choose one. very good. a moment not to hit him on the head.

He also pointed out that, worldwide, it is a utopia to put aside some daily interests for greater interest, as in the past when the wars for the Olympic Games were stopped.

“Now the situation is more alarming, because here maybe it’s even about the survival of humanity, in any case a kind of reboot, a reboot of humanity, what we call civilization, and that will only change in the next year or two. I am sure that we will not be able to go back to the way people lived half neglected in western civilization, sometimes it seems to me that the whole fate of mankind is related to whether after this strange virus, even milder than some that devastated about 10 years ago, like SARS and Ebola, which are going to come to us, because the problem with this virus is that it does not kill, if it killed everyone, we would have consolidated as a world a long time ago and we would have gotten in the way of his way, ”he says.

He also referred to the humanitarian actions that are organized in Serbia for the treatment of children, and that “there are many Olivers, Vuksan, Minja and similar poor children whose parents are instructed to desperately ask other people for solidarity to collect some abnormal numbers” .

“What did the state fall into, to force us to think of some national stadiums, gondolas, cynical masts when put into context with the money needed to treat children, and there are thousands and thousands of those children, I think there are dozens? “says Ljubicic, noting that it is cynical to advertise a national stadium in a country that doesn’t know how to play football even when access to stadiums is prohibited.

He concludes that this shows the type of arrogance that this government has and that the State that allows itself to do that tomorrow will ask us to pay the budget by SMS.
