Dragoljub Bakić supported the alliance gathered around Zelenović and Let’s not drown Belgrade


The architect Dragoljub Bakić supported the alliance formed by Together for Serbia (ZZS) and the “Let’s not drown Belgrade” initiative.

He assessed that for Belgrade “there is no better team than the one recently formed by the president of ZZS, Nebojsa Zelenovic, and the activists Let’s not drown Belgrade, Dobrica Veselinovic and Radomir Lazovic.”

Bakic told Nova.rs that Zelenovic’s three-point proposal for the unification of the opposition is good, and that “the three points are very important and you cannot blame them for anything because they were … chosen in a meaningful way as the first priorities in the effort of our country has reached the standard of living, which, in his opinion, is not the case now. “

“Of course, politicians need new people, proven honesty and dignity. Of course, we need a clear commitment to join the European Union and, of course, it is necessary to remove all the mysteries about the negotiations on Kosovo and show the whole nation clearly what is being negotiated and how our people are defending their interests. So far no one has shown us that, “he said.

He added that he leaves a detailed analysis of these political issues to politicians, and that he, as an architect, is interested in cities and who runs them.

“Here issues directly related to a better life for the people are being resolved, and that should be a theme of all issues. That is why I am more interested in who made these points public, and it is Nebojsa Zelenovic, the former mayor of Sabac, when Removed from that place by force, deception and fraud, ”he said.

Given that the fraud has been proven in court and that according to court decisions, the vote has been repeated three times, the aforementioned elections in Sabac must be annulled in their entirety. New ones must be ordered in the 100 polling stations, and for that justice must continue the Sabac people to fight at the head of Nebojsa Zelenovic, “said Bakic.

He said that he was happy with the cooperation agreed by Nebojsa Zelenovic and the “Let’s not drown Belgrade” movement and that they were natural allies who showed and “demonstrated in practice how the public interest is defended locally, that is, how to improve conditions “. life of citizens “.

“My advice would be not to rush with actions all over Serbia now, because you don’t have enough strength for that right now. You should put your strength, honesty and integrity at the service of Belgrade and focus on 17 municipalities in Belgrade in these 17 months. “, said. Bakic.

“There will be some dialogue between the government and the opposition, but essentially nothing will change no matter who is the mediator of such talks … What I am confident is the Belgrade elections, which must first be separated from all other elections. There is no task. more important for “Who wants to participate in them. That is an obligation that must be fulfilled first, “he added.
