Dragana told all about the BABY loss and ABUSE! SUFFERING IN TEARS!


Dragana Mitrović cried as she recounted the details of her past in reality.

The reality show participant heard Filip Car spit on Aleksandra Nikolić, which horrified her and she began to cry.

“I lost the baby. I got the first slap in the pregnancy, my parents don’t know this story,” Dragana said through tears.

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“He is a singer, Marko Mitrovic. Everything happened in a year, I found out pregnant that he was with me and that he was dating his ex-girlfriend. I thought they were finished, he was with both of them. We got together. I met in a cafe, I was Like everyone else, when we started having fun, he ordered me not to dress, not to put on makeup, I was very much in love. My sister and colleagues looked at how things were, “he said. She is, so he added:

photo: print screen

“He also excluded me from social media, told me that they only bleed perfume. He promised me that he would not come home at eight in the morning and finished work at three. The slap started from an argument while I was pregnant.”

photo: print screen

Kurir.rs/K.Đ, Photo: Screen Printed

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