Dragana published this photo to CLOSE HIS MOUTH WITH DANGEROUS UNKNOWN and instead of shutting up


Many years ago, the Dragana test established, in popular parlance, heart failure. When the interruptions passed four seconds, the only salvation for her was the pacemaker. At the time, she was 36 years old, while her youngest son was only nine. Dragana, like all parents, wanted to be there for her son as he grew older, which is why she is still grateful to the science, medicine and doctors who performed the pacemaker in Belgrade.

Disgusted by the writing of a conspiracy theorist who opposes science, she shared an X-ray of her chest on Twitter with a strong and emotional message.

Dragan chest x-rayPhoto: Twitter
Dragan chest x-ray

“There is a battery under the muscle in my right shoulder. Two electrodes come out of it through two blood vessels, one in the ventricle and one in the atrium. When the heart stops, the device gives a small electrical shock and turns it on. Thanks to that, I live normally for the last 15 years. Think when you deny science, “he wrote.

In a conversation with “Blic”, he revealed to us that at the time it was installed, it was the first type of pacemaker adapter in Serbia.

bone scanPhoto: Private archive
bone scan

“It was implanted in 2006 at the Belgrade Clinical Center, operated by Dr. Goran Milašinović. It was the first type of pacemaker in Serbia. I am the mother of three children, the youngest was then nine years old, while the other two were 16 and 17. So, thanks to science, my children today have a living and healthy mother, “he revealed.

bone scanPhoto: Private archive
bone scan

There are only the best and most beautiful words about the doctors who operated on her, first about Dr. Milašinović and then about Dr. Velibor Jovanović, who replaced her battery in 2015.

However, even this was not enough for conspiracy theorists to reconsider their judgment, and in the comments below their post they left comments that they would rather die than live on batteries, and that the way their works should be used. pacemaker. and code bombs.

However, no matter how successful science is and how it improves life expectancy, there is no way you can fix one thing: human stupidity. She is simple, indestructible.
