Dragana (34) from Nis died completely healthy during childbirth, and now the autopsy report has arrived



24.09.2020. 16:59

What hurts him the most is that he thinks Dragana could have been saved.

Doctor, hospital, surgery, childbirth.

Doctor, hospital, surgery, childbirth, Photo: Hello! Marko markovic

An autopsy report from the Institute of Forensic Medicine, which was supposed to answer what it was about cause of death Dragana Savić (34) from Niš, who died on August 24 shortly after giving birth, did not solve the mystery because she confirmed the accusations of her closest loved ones that she was completely healthy.

The finding, which she had been waiting for a month, was withdrawn today from the Nis Gynecological Clinic by her husband Boris, who was greatly affected by the fact that he did not learn anything from him.

– The finding only says what they did during the autopsy, the state of the organs and that their heart stopped. I have no medical education, but I was hoping that the Institute of Forensic Medicine would determine the cause of death. Dr. Bojan Lukić, from whom I received the find, told me that there was no salvation for her… He said that her blood flowed like from a tap, but he did not explain to me why there was so much bleeding often. All these findings, including the autopsy, show that she was healthy and I will not give up until I find out if someone made a mistake during the birth of Dragana – says the grieving husband.

Dragana’s father, Bora Zlatković, anxiously awaited the pathological finding.

– I couldn’t wait any longer, so yesterday I went to the Institute of Forensic Medicine on my own initiative. They told me the find was sent to the Gynecology Clinic and Boris went to pick it up today. It’s terribly difficult for me not to know anything other than that he bled to death. It is not clear to me, we are a healthy family, I did not go to the doctor for thirty years, Dragana was also in good health. She tolerated the pregnancy well, all tests showed that there were no problems, says the father of the deceased mother.

What hurts him the most is that he thinks Dragana could have been saved.

– From seven in the morning until 10.30 at night she called us several times, so I know that there was no one near her. She was complaining all the time that she was bleeding, I don’t understand why someone didn’t do anything for more than three hours… They should have called vascular surgeons, sent her to Belgrade… whatever. When they noticed he was bleeding, it was too late – says Bora.

GAK Director: Finding is flawed

Bojan Lukić, director of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic, who, in his own words, was involved in Dragana’s birth, also said that the autopsy report was deficient.

– The findings show that the patient did not have any disease. The autopsy conclusion was not attached to the finding, so there is no clear explanation as to why the death occurred, said Lukić, who referred the Telegraf journalist to the Institute of Forensic Medicine to explain why the conclusion was missing.

However, Goran Ilić, the director of this institution, who confirmed to us today that he sent the finding to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic, no longer answered the phone.

As Lukić said earlier, after the autopsy, the professional work verification commission must declare what happened.

Dragana is survived by baby Tara and her eleven-year-old daughter Jana.
