Dragan was tied to Stanko, his brother and his family also live in the house of horrors.


THESE ARE MOTHER AND SON, VICTIMS OF A TRAGEDY IN KOTE®: Dragan was tied to Stanko, his brother and his family live in a house of horrors

Photo: Kurir / Jelena Rafailović

Dragan Stojković (46) killed his mother Stanka Stojković (70) with a pistol shot and then tried himself with the same weapon by shooting himself in the head in the Kotež settlement.

As we found out, Stanko’s body was found in the house, while Dragan’s was in a bush not far from the house.

Neighbors say the tragedy was discovered when they heard the shooting.

– Dragan first shot his mother, then went to a nearby alley, unpaved, about 400 meters from the house, and there he shot himself in the head. They lived alone on the ground floor of the house, while Dragan’s brother and his family live upstairs, neighbors say.

As they say, Dragan was extremely attached to his mother from a young age, as if they were a good and harmonious family. Dragana’s father died about ten years ago, and his mother became ill a few years ago and he cared for her for years.

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

Neighbors say that Dragan did not marry and did not work anywhere, and lived on his pension.

(Kurir.rs, JR)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
