Dragan saved two children from SAFE DEATH and drowned, and the family of the children whose lives he saved returned his shame


Heroes are not people with superpowers, they do not have a cloak and do not wait for a sign in the sky to act. They are usually there at the right time and they react at the cost of their own lives, giving us the best description of the word “man.” Such an example, with his heroic act, was given to us by Dragan Cigan, son, husband and father, who, to save the lives of two young people aged 7 and 9, lost his. This is a story about him.

When Dragan Zidar, 32, a native of Branešci, Republika Srpska, who was temporarily working in the Veneto region on July 23, 2007, saw two children drowning at the confluence of the Adriatic Sea and the Cortelezo River, he didn’t think twice. times. what you need to do. He jumped into the water with only one goal: to save the little ones from certain death.

The fact that he was not a swimmer himself did not prevent him from doing so. In the fight with the raging eddies and later, the depths of the sea and the waves, Dragan, who was 32 years old at the time, stood still as a hero whose name is inscribed in golden letters in the history of the city of Jesolo.

According to the testimonies of those present, even the parents of the children, the Italian Bianco family, were petrified and silent observers of the agony that was unfolding in the raging water. All except Dragan, Diana’s wife and Milica and Marija’s father, who was napping on the beach at the time of the children’s drowning, as his sister Zorica later told the Italian and Serbian media.

When he realized what it was about, Dragan jumped into the water and headed towards the children who were carried deeper and deeper down the river, towards the sea. He managed to reach them, he also managed to drag them to shore, first one, then the other. On shore, she received help from a co-worker, Rahid from Morocco, who was on the beach with Dragan and her sister on the fateful day.

The search for his body lasted 30 hours.Photo: Andrea Merola / EPA;

The search for his body lasted 30 hours.

However, he had already lost his strength there and there were no heroes like him on the beach. The eddies of the river carried him deeper and deeper. As his sister Zorica screamed and called for help, they all stared at the water in silence and watched him lose the battle for his life.

There was no salvation for Dragan. After a 30-hour search, her lifeless body was found the next morning in nearby Laguna Mort.

With his disappearance in the eddies of the Cortelezo River and the Adriatic Sea, Dragan Cigan entered the legend. All Italy knew his name. The then Prime Minister Giorgio Napolitano posthumously awarded him the highest Italian civil recognition, the “Golden Order of Honor” and the “Monument to Unremembered Heroism and Human Work”. In Jesolo, he also got a street named “Strada Dragan Cigan”, his family got an apartment from the construction company groups “Union Lavoro” with financial help from the municipality of Veneto, where Dragan lived, worked and ended his life . In addition, the daughters received scholarships for schooling.

Monument to Dragan Cigan in his hometownPhoto: RTS, RTS Square Circle / Youtube / Screenshot

Monument to Dragan Cigan in his hometown

“Dragan taught us a life lesson, a lesson that everyone should bear in mind before embarking on demagogic campaigns against immigrants,” said Paolo Ferrero, then Minister of Social Solidarity, in 2009.

In fact, everyone paid tribute to Dragan, except those who might have been the first to do so, the Bjanko family, whose children Dragan saved.

That is, according to eyewitnesses, the confession of his sister and the one written in the Italian press, as soon as Dragan took the children ashore, the parents, the Bianco family, took the children and without waiting to see what happened to the man who saved his children, they began to run. from the beach.

Dragana CIgana StreetPhoto: RTS Quadrature of the circle – Official channel / screenshot

Dragana CIgana Street

However, the police arrested them in that act, and those present also expressed their dissatisfaction. That is, while they were watching them leave, and then during the police intervention, they were insulted and insulted. This behavior of the Bianco family was condemned by the entire Italian public. Whether for that or not, only then or later did they express their condolences to their sister.

Had he survived, Dragan probably wouldn’t have blamed them for it. It probably wouldn’t be like that, if it could somehow be advertised … His work speaks in favor of that, because a man who knows his chances are almost nil, but still tries to achieve what he wanted, at the cost of his life, is great. man.
