Dragan Markovic Palma calls on the prime minister to reduce the poisoning of people over the crown



Today, the president of the United Serbia party, Dragan Markovic Palma, asked Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and the Government to “reduce the poisoning” of people related to the coronavirus, which is done by “experts who hold conferences for more than two hours”.

At the Serbian Assembly session, Markovic asked the Prime Minister to show the doctors and nurses who work with protective equipment and treat people directly on television, and asked Brnabic to answer “if the dose will be reduced of appearances “by members of the Crisis Staff in the media.

There is only talk of a crown. No one talks about arming the army or that the Red Star is playing tonight. We will only mentally destroy the nation, Markovic said.

He also asked parents to decide whether their children should go to school or not and give their consent, and not prescribe the crisis staff, their professional part, so it happens that there are disagreements, such as Wednesday – “profession” she he said one thing and did not accept the political part ”.

Brnabic said that she “in principle” agrees with what Markovic said, because “people are tired” of the constant visit of the Crisis Staff doctors on television, but that it is necessary to repeat the advice for the fight against the crown and “let the people adhere to”. measure, be disciplined. “

I continue to defend the fact that we are fighting very well. I know that people no longer have patience, that this is becoming terribly difficult to express mentally, Brnabić emphasized, agreeing with Marković that he is right about Red Star, because “this match is very important tonight” and he said he wants to ” all the best”. “tom club.
