Dragan J. Vučićević: We did not receive a verdict – Society


The pro-government media, which the Swiss court prohibited from mentioning the owner of United Group, withheld this information.

The news that United Group founder and co-owner Dragan Šolak sued and received Pink, Informer and Studio B in court in Switzerland for telling falsehoods about him could not be heard or read in the aforementioned media.

Dragan J. Vučićević: We did not receive a verdict 1Dragan Solak Photo: United Media

According to the Zurich District Court verdict, Pink, Informer and Studio B are obliged to pay compensation to Solak and to refrain from established rhetoric going forward, which “violates the rights of the person” or insults the founder of UG. The verdict specifically prohibited Informer’s owner and editor-in-chief Dragan J. Vučićević from making statements that violate Dragan Šolak’s personal rights, UG said in a statement.

Apart from the fact that the news about it was not published in the media that lost the dispute, Vučićević, as a guest on TV Pink’s morning show, commented on socio-political issues and again mentioned the “moguls Djilas and Šolak” in his usual way. . When asked to comment on the verdict and his performance, Vučićević responded for our article with a counter question:

– What verdict are you talking about? You got it? Have you seen her anywhere except on the H1 news? And how do you explain that an alleged verdict was handed down in Switzerland against the Serbian media without our presence? If this is not pressure on the media and an attempted economic assassination of a journalist, then I don’t know what it is – declared Vučićević.

He added that he learned of the verdict and the trial from the H1 news.

– Do not defend the indefensible, do not support the violence of Solak and Djilas, maybe you are also on their black list – the owner of Informer told us.

According to unofficial information, none of the accused media owners or editors received a subpoena from the Swiss court, which cleverly avoided appearing in court. However, even though they did not receive the summons and avoided trial, that does not mean that they will not have to respect the decisions of that Swiss court, when they are made official in Serbia.

The lawyer Jovica Todorović explains for our document that it is necessary for the prosecutor to initiate a special procedure before the national court for the recognition of a decision of a foreign court.

– When the national court recognizes that judgment by decision, it will have the same legal effects as the judgment of the national court. Something similar to the nostrification of a diploma from a whole school or faculty – says Todorović.

Recall that the District Court determined that Pink, Informer and Studio B carried out a media campaign against Sholak, falsely accusing him and publishing falsehoods related to the personality and way of acting of the prosecutor and his alleged political commitment, expressing comments and opinions with him end of the plaintiff has a negative bias.

Dragan Šolak’s lawyers were not available for further details on the trial process itself, as well as the verdict.

Compensation to Sholak

The Swiss court ruled that the accused media outlets were required to pay Dragan Solak compensation in foreign currency (CHF), that they had to remove the pages of all texts and links to programs in which they violated personal rights, as well as refrain from future repetitions of this part. and publish the content of the sentence. They must also reimburse the prosecutor for the costs of the process. The verdict of the Zurich District Court became final on September 15, 2020.

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