Dragan Djilas seeks explanations about flu and coronavirus vaccines


Today, the president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SPP), Dragan Djilas, requested that the Government of Serbia and its Crisis Staff for the fight against the coronavirus publicly announce “a clear plan to combat the pandemic and vaccination plan” against it. current seasonal flu vaccination and viruses.

Regarding the influenza vaccine, Djilas stated that the data of its registration are missing on the website of the Serbian Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, and that the quantity of this vaccine is insufficient because the state imported 340,000 doses produced by ABBOT and they arrived another 123,000. only in two months.

In addition, the Belgrade Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums “Torlak” received a certificate to produce 250,000 doses, for which the deadlines are not known, said Djilas, who estimates that together with the importation “theoretically 700,000 doses by the end of the year “.

However, given that 1.5 million people over 65 are in Serbia, and the ABBOT vaccine has already been used, Djilas believes that “realistically, one million people over 65 have no chance of receiving the vaccine “, although they should be vaccinated mainly against the flu.

As the most important problem with the flu vaccine, Djilas stated that while the “imported ABBOT vaccine can be given to anyone, including babies older than six months,” the Torlak flu vaccine “can only be administer to people between 18 and 65 years of age “, because” those who are most at risk (over 65 years) have serious reception problems “.

Speaking of the second vaccine, against the corona virus, Djilas said that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said yesterday that the first 350,000 doses of the vaccine from the company “Pfizer” were delivered, intended for health workers, police and army.

Furthermore, Vučić “announced the second and third vaccines, but did not say who the producers were, or how much was provided.

For all this, Djilas believes that “it is necessary to urgently present to the people with a clear plan in which the only unknown is when the vaccine will be produced. Everything else must be told to the people.”
