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Eager to win the support of voters and somehow try to take power, the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Djilas, created an imaginary. Thus, these days he presented the alleged investigation of the political rating of parties and leaders, according to which 35.7 percent of voters would vote for the president of the SNS, Aleksandar Vučić, while 32.9 percent would be against. However, it is more than obvious that this is intended to show that those who are against Vučić are in fact in favor of Djilas. Maybe so, but in the parallel reality that Djilas invents with such “research”.
Black on white
But let’s go in order. The aforementioned investigation, by the way, does not mention the agency that did it, which seriously calls into question the entire investigation. The investigation is also suspected of being carried out by an agency owned by Djilas’ political partner. Although, even in a questionable survey like this, Djilas’s rating and his SAA would be expected to be measured, and that’s not the case here. A further suspicion that this is a fictitious investigation is shown by the fact that the rating in Belgrade is the sum of the total estimates of 110 percent, instead of 100. Also, in the investigation presented by Djilas in the video and through the graphics, one of the parameters is, it suddenly disappears and then reappears.
The results of the investigation presented by Djilas largely contradict those conducted by credible agencies, whose investigation thus far has proven to be reliable and accurate.

According to Djilas’s calculation, if the elections were on Sunday, 40.2 percent of the people would vote for the SNS, 6.8 percent for the SPS, while Spas Aleksandar Sapic would have 3.7 percent. – That’s about 50 percent. 26.4 percent of the people would vote for the opposition, and when you add those who would vote for the opposition, but it is not known exactly when, and there are 15.4 percent of them, it reaches 41.8 percent of people who are against Vučić – he said. Djilas.
You were not allowed on the line
However, all of this is not even close to the “Ipsos Strategic Marketing” investigation, which was conducted in the same period as this alleged Djilas investigation. In the “Ipsos” investigation, the SNS is the strongest party with more than 60 percent support, and in addition to the SNS, only SPS, Spas, DJB and perhaps SRS, DSS and POKS would cross the threshold in the elections. That research showed that citizens have the highest confidence in President Vučić, and 40.2 percent of Serbian citizens spontaneously declare the head of state on that confidence indicator. For the sake of comparison, according to Ipsos, only about 0.6 percent of citizens trust Djilas.
With this in mind, it is not surprising that Djilas was not allowed to “measure” himself, even in an apparently fictitious investigation.
Vladimir Pejić
If they are against the government, it does not mean they are in favor of the opposition
The director of the agency “Factor Plus”, Vladimir Pejić, says for Kurir that in addition to the source of the investigation, that is, the agency, it is necessary to publish the investigation period and the methodology, so that things are clearer and reliable: results. So anyone can put whatever they want and from a profession point of view that’s not good and leads to quality collapse. Regarding the results and the fact that 32% are against Vučić, that needs to be clarified. The fact is that there are those who are against the government, that is not debatable, but it is the fault of the opposition that presents those who are against it as their own. That does not mean that they are in favor of the opposition.
Messenger / Silvia Slamnig
Photo: Shutterstock / Photomontage

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