Professor Vladislav Vukomanović, a pediatric cardiologist at the Institute for Maternal and Child Health, says there are no children infected with a more serious clinical picture in that hospital.
Vukomanović recalls that the Institute for Mother and Child is not a classic kovid hospital, but that kovid has a kovid triage and intensive care room.
– Currently, there are about six patients in whom COVID infection has been confirmed. We do not have patients in intensive care, which means that fortunately we have very few serious cases and that is a trend from March until now – explains Dr. Vukomanović.
He notes that the number of patients in the triage room is increasing.
– So far, about 300 patients have been admitted, and only in the last two months, 100 patients – says Dr. Vukomanović.
He says there are a large number of asymptomatic children who mostly pose a danger of transmitting the virus to the elderly.
– The symptoms are usually very trivial. Or it’s nasal congestion or runny nose, fever, dry cough, and compared to the elderly with covid infection, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting are more common, explains Dr. Vukomanović.
He points out that family is important because habits can be acquired in the family and children can be warned about what to do: learn to wash their hands, wear masks and avoid close contact.
– The epidemiological anamnesis is very important to us. If a child develops any symptoms that may indicate kovid-19, we investigate in great detail if there are relatives who have shown a clinical picture or are being treated for infection, and in this way we treat them and possibly sample them with rapid antigen tests. – says Dr. Vukomanović.
Explain that the rule is that the p-si-ar tests are not repeated if the rapid antigen tests are positive.
The number of sick health workers grows
Dr. Vukomanović believes that the transition to online classes for high school students and older elementary school students is a good move.
– In the period when children did not go to kindergarten and school, the number of emergency admissions was significantly reduced. There were fewer other infections, so I think this is a good measure and that it will help to flatten the steepest part of the infection, thinks Dr. Vukomanović.
He points out that the number of sick health workers is increasing.
– Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 100 employees of the Institute have fallen ill. Now there is that trend of acceleration. They are mostly healthcare workers who brought the infection from home. The number of people infected with horizontal transmission in the hospital itself is minimal, says Dr. Vukomanović, saying he would not change practice when it comes to vaccinating children.
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