DR VOJO ZEC DIED: He lost the battle with the crown, he helped everyone, but there was no help for him.


After a tough fight with the crown, Zec passed away on Tuesday at the CBC Bežanijska kosa, and his health center announced the sad news. Unfortunately, Kovid 19 took another victim from the front line, among the doctors: Dr. Voja Zeca (59) from the Health Center “Dr. Jovan Jovanović – Zmaj” in Stara Pazova.

– A favorite colleague and physician of the Danube people, he left an indelible mark as a dedicated physician, with a joyful spirit who, in addition to treatment, provided patients with kind advice and a warm word. Dr. Vojo Zec performed all assigned job duties and duties with dedication, and the last job assignment he performed was working at the COVID clinic in Surduk. Unfortunately, he left us prematurely after falling ill with COVID-19 – they announced in this health institution.

One of Srem’s most beloved doctors left his wife and daughter behind.

– The staff of the Health Center “Dr. Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” Stara Pazova has lost a dear friend and colleague, and expresses their deepest condolences to the Zec family for the irreparable loss – they announced in the Health Center where Zec worked.

That Zec was, in fact, one of Srem’s most popular doctors is also shown by the reactions on Facebook from his patients.

– He left so fast that we couldn’t even say goodbye … He was a doctor and he helped many. They couldn’t help him … The crown was stronger … A few weeks ago he took care of the patients at the Covid clinic … He wanted and could still live … But unfortunately the body could not bear it … My cousin Vojo Zec fell asleep – Drenka Gaković left a shocking message.

The inhabitants of Stari and Novi Banovci and Belegiš also loved rabbits.

– Our dear doctor Vojo Zec, may he have eternal glory! Condolences to the family. May the angels keep you. Eternal memory! – wrote Tatjana Večerinac.

Dr. Vojo Zec, MD, was born on January 27, 1961 in Donji Rakani, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He graduated from Banja Luka Faculty of Medicine in 1991. He got a job at the “Dr. Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” Health Center in Stara Pazova in 1999 and worked as a doctor of medicine in the resident adult health protection service in Stari and Novi Banovci.


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