20.09.2020. 20:57
The number of infected is directly related to people’s behavior, whether or not they respect the measures. In the big cities there is the greatest relaxation, but also in the places where one spends summers, not only abroad, but also in our spas and mountains, says epidemiologist Prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović

Korona, Serbia, Belgrade, Photo: Tanjug / Nikola Andjic
He adds that we will have good morning in September and October, there will be more sun and people will definitely use it for holidays or weekends, so it is realistic to expect there to be a jump in the number of infected.
Additional caution
The epidemiologist points out that in the next 10 to 15 days, the number of infected people could increase, but not only due to the returnees from the summer holidays, but also due to certain situations within Serbia.
As he explains, a certain number of people act as if the virus were not present, which is certainly not good behavior, and he calls for the measures to be respected. Although the data shows that the situation in Serbia is the most peaceful in this part of Europe, that should not cause optimism, but should lead us to be more cautious.
Will the number of infected people increase?
– When it comes to returnees, citizens are familiar with everything, they received instructions at the border, which is mainly a call to take care of their health and therefore the general health of the population – adds Tiodorović.
As the epidemiologist also explains, in the last period, the health system was under attack, so this break with a smaller number of infected was welcome.
– There is simply fatigue in the population, there was also fatigue in the health system, all those people who have been working with patients infected by Kovid for months, because in July it was overcrowded. This pause is welcome for an important part of the health system to rest, to prepare. It must be taken into account when it is cold that people will spend more time indoors, which will be in November, December, and that then the conditions are more favorable for the spread of the infection, so it is very important to apply measures – says the Professor Tiodorovic.
Flu vaccination is needed more than ever

Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and crisis staff member, Photo: Tanjug, Slobodan Miljević
One gets the impression that people have forgotten, that there will be a period of cold days in which respiratory infections will occur, and that chronic patients, those with weaker immunity, will undoubtedly be affected.
– The flu will probably appear, although I see it did not show much activity in the southern hemisphere. But in this case, the receptor the coronavirus binds to and the flu virus binds to are not the same, so it may come from the mix. So now it is very difficult to predict when the flu will appear. It appeared in our country in January and February. Now we will also have an increase in viral and bacterial infections. The advice is definitely vaccination against seasonal flu to avoid that mix, says the epidemiologist.
The question that is undoubtedly worrying is whether it can happen that the corona appears in another wave in another wave, with a certain mutation. The epidemiologist Tiodorović believes that this will not happen, because the mutation takes time.
– In this case, it is not talked about in scientific circles, the crown may undergo a mutation, but this is too early, it should always take some time. This mutation, a complete genotypic change, requires some source in the animal world, so that it can pass from the animal world to man, adapt, be able to be transferred to man, and that takes years. But small changes can occur so that some of the genotypes are in Europe, others in China, the third in America, and those differences are so small that they do not cause any problems related to diagnosis or therapy, explains Professor Tiodorović.
Speaking of schools, the epidemiologist believes that the system works well and that they are safe places, regardless of the number of sick students and employees. He asked parents to be as responsible as ever.
4,500 people applied to the surveillance system
Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon stated that the surveillance system introduced due to the coronary virus pandemic on the borders of Serbia is working excellently and has already yielded some results. Kon told TV Pink that some 4,500 people have already requested surveillance.
– The greatest risk comes from those who return to Serbia after their holidays. The difference is that it is no longer up to them if they will go to the Kovid clinic on their own, but they will have to do it according to the law if they feel health problems. – Kon pointed out.
He added that those who cannot apply electronically should go to the doctor of their choice and register in that way.