Dr. Tiodorović is afraid of our return from abroad, possibly QUARANTINE


“We must be extremely careful and respect the measures so that we do not fill the hospitals again. If we are not responsible, our young people will die again, as during the strongest blow in July,” says epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic.

He pointed out that in 10-15 days we will probably have an increase in the number of patients due to the return of our people from vacation from Croatia and Albania, where the number of infected has increased significantly.

Dangerous arrival of people from abroad

– How dangerous it is is also clear from the fact that Austria has banned its citizens from playing in the counties of Zadar and Split. And a few days later, there will be illnesses for those who return from Montenegro, because it has only recently opened its borders to us. And there is a big jump in the number of patients, with only 628,000 inhabitants, there are 264 infected per day – explains our epidemiologist from Kurir.

Montenegro, beaches, sea, summer vacation Photo: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

Montenegro, beaches, sea, summer vacation

Speaking about the possible quarantine for those who come from abroad, Tiodorović says that home isolation is mandatory for now for all those who are positive for the crown, and not for the hospital.

– That hasn’t changed yet. And those who come from summer vacations, as soon as they have any problem or doubt, should call the Kovid clinic, and the doctor will determine if they are for home isolation or for the hospital. Whoever has absolutely no difficulties or doubts, can move freely – he says and adds that it is dangerous even now, but that if the situation in the countries they come from drastically worsens, we will have to do something, and that may be quarantine.

Schools are the safest place in Serbia

He points out that people must understand that you cannot cross the border as if you were crossing the street. The epidemiologist also referred to the situation in schools and the respect of all epidemiological measures.

– For all students who have someone with difficulties or a positive in the family, regardless of whether the child has no symptoms, the recommendation of home isolation is maintained for 10 to 14 days. It is not scary not to go to school for two or three days, especially since there are classes online. Schools are currently the safest place in Serbia when it comes to the crown. The students wear masks, the distance is respected. Only all parents should be responsible and not send their children if there is something suspicious in the family or the result of the test is awaited, says Tiodorović.

SchoolPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia


Looking at the rafts and nightclubs, the doctor says that they are crowded and that he often gets images that do not show distances or masks.

They say to me, “What kind of enjoyment is it if you don’t sing to my ears?”

– They ask me if there is live music in the cafe. It is possible, but that the orchestra is a meter and a half or two away, the singer eight meters from the first table. They say what a pleasure it is when they don’t sing to your ears. And only when we speak, the drops go from one meter to one and a half meters apart. But as soon as someone starts screaming like in a stadium, or singing like in a pub, that spray reaches at least twenty feet, probably more. Otherwise, that is why it is important not to enter the house with shoes – explains a member of the Crisis Staff – points out.

Tiodorović says that with people from abroad who, as some say, 100,000, and clubs, cafes, rafts can return to us as a third peak along with those who spent their summers in the mountains, lakes, spas, where, as he assures, attention has diminished. .

There is no immunity without vaccine

– In this way, we could fall back into the situation as in July, fill hospitals and make young people die. We are far from forming a herd immunity. That requires a study of at least 100,000 people, so let’s say we have immunity. According to data from the Serbian study from two months ago, which is still ongoing, we only had six percent in Belgrade, 7.8 percent in western Serbia, 4 percent in eastern Serbia and 7 percent in the south. It is clear that immunity will not be without vaccine – concludes Dr. Tiodorović.

January flu corona and collision

As for the corona and flu collision, Dr. Tiodorović says he hopes it is not a terrible blow.

– The flu season is at its peak only in January-February, so the strongest blow then could be expected – says Dr. Tiodorović.
