DR TIODOROVIĆ DRAMATIC FORECAST The number of infected and dead will continue to grow, this is when we can only hope that the curve levels off, but also the PEAKS


“I said 14-15 days ago that we will have this jump and that we will have more infected and even dead. This will last until December 20, maybe a day later, but I think we will enter December when the situation will be a little more stable, on the condition that in that period we will have smaller peaks, “said Dr. Branislav this morning. Tiodorović.

The weather in December, he adds, will affect the fluctuation of the virus, so there will be an oscillation in the number of infected people.

– We will have results in seven to ten days after the application of these measures – said this morning the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

Even more infected

He announced that we do not expect the curve to flatten out by the end of the month, but that we can expect even more infected people, and that the curve can only flatten out in early December.

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

– It will certainly be difficult, especially if we take into account the conditions: it will be a cold winter and high humidity, which adapts to the virus. However, I think it will not be so black, maybe I am optimistic, but I hope that with regard to the measures and the vaccine, we will come to a solution – said Tiodorović.

Vaccine around the new year

The epidemiologist also gave his prediction of when it is possible to expect a corona vaccine.

– There is a great demand for the vaccine. For me, it is a real time to arrive after the New Year, there in January or February, says Dr. Tiodorović.

We need to see what we do with winter break.

When asked what will happen to the winter break, because according to yesterday’s government session, the students went back to school, Dr. Tiodorović said that nothing concrete is yet known about it.

Branislav TiodorovićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

– We need to see what we do with winter break. Are we going to move it? The situation in the primary schools is good, the secondary schools have abandoned it a bit. There we will see if the situation will be good, if not, then we will switch to online classes in secondary schools, said Tiodorović.

He also stressed that young people are currently the biggest carriers of the virus, but that they should be spoken to differently and that more efforts should be made around them to educate them about the corona virus.

– We have to work a little differently with young people, talk to psychologists, communication specialists … We have to have a different approach with young people, we must not scare them, but educate them about the corona virus – explained Tiodorović.

Shorter coffee hours

When asked what was earned in those two hours, how much working hours in bars were reduced by yesterday’s measures, Dr. Tiodorović explains that by balancing the economy and health.

– I should mention that we were very good for a while and that we were in the top three in terms of the number of the least infected and dead. And now we are fine, now we are fifth. I think we have learned a lot and, regardless of the criticism, I think the system reacted well and that there is elasticity in the reaction. I must also say that the majority of the population respects the measures, but the minority who believe that everything is a conspiracy theory continues to circulate and can spread the virus. In the end, it is not about democracy but about civilization – said the epidemiologist.

Video: seven groups of corona symptoms
